Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] and [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Eight times and it all comes to an end .
2 They took rates of pay , hours and levels of pay , NALGO locally negotiated job-descriptions and their own personal needs into consideration .
3 Nothing stirred except the wind , a few sparrows and their own feet .
4 One resident , who did n't want to be named , moaned yesterday : ‘ It 's been called Eldorado Close for 30 years and we all used to like it .
5 I stayed with Robert Fraser for some years and it all ended with Robert going to jail on the famous drug bust with the Rolling Stones .
6 It seemed like ever since the ‘ sixties there had been just one brand of government in two slightly different packages and nothing much ever changed ; there was this feeling that after the burst of energy in the early-mid-'sixties everything had been going downhill ; the whole country was constipated , bound up with rules and regulations and restrictive practices and just general , endemic , infectious ennui .
7 One 's relationship with the nationalised transport industries must be a very close one because there is a continuing interaction between one 's economic and social purposes and their own operating requirements and policies …
8 There were only six cows in the little cobbled byre with its low roof and wooden partitions and they all had names .
9 She lost her job after a few weeks and what little money my Dad had left quickly went on drugs and booze .
10 She went in with sl slim girls and they all fa fail passed , and Tracey failed .
11 And they 've all taken words from different languages and they all spell them different ways .
12 There is also the proximity of the proposed foster parents and her own siblings .
13 too disputed the view that all clients see lawyers as compartmentalised individuals , ‘ although I do know people who use specific lawyers for specific areas and our own recent market research has confirmed my own view that a number of our clients do n't know the full depth of service we have on offer ’ .
14 Patients have many of their personal belongings and their own clothing available to them .
15 This ‘ new style , however , tends to be ‘ localised ’ in individual managers and their own work groups .
16 In 1925 Blandy & Leacock and other firms joined the Madeira Wine Association within which individual firms retained their separate identities and their own agents .
17 They must be seen by us not only as a new type of settlement but as places with individual characters and their own idiosyncrasies .
18 If you were the mum and you brought these pizzas in and there was four people sitting there when you 've got six pizzas and they all want the same size .
19 The Agreement shall not apply to any claim brought against an occupier of land if the mud is deposited either by vehicles other than his own , or jointly by such vehicles and his own vehicles , and his Insurers grant indemnity to him in his particular capacity as an occupier of land and not as the user of the vehicles .
20 He himself was one of thirteen children and his own offspring numbered eighteen !
21 " My contribution , " he said , perhaps anxiously , to his daughter , who found it almost impossible to kiss him across the barrier made by these objects and her own girth .
22 The benefit of staff acting-up on a temporary basis , is that such staff will be regarded as being within the ring fencing arrangements for both the higher graded posts and their own posts .
23 Foucault therefore abandons analysis of epistemes for the more Nietzschean ‘ genealogy ’ , which allows him to articulate conflict in terms of differentiated histories with their own conceptual specificities and their own times , while retaining the possibility of the formulation of aims and intentions :
24 His son has been able to buy back some of these volumes and his own collection on this subject now numbers around 8,000 volumes .
25 By 1635 these failures , together with his acquaintance with Congregationalist thinkers and his own Bible study , apparently led Offwood to reject the Reformed Church and embrace Congregationalism .
26 Previous reports and our own experience have shown that carbamylated haemoglobin concentrations in patients with chronic renal failure are related to degree of renal impairment as measured by serum urea or creatinine ( r=0.7 , p<0.001 [ Spearman 's rank correlation test ] , for carbamylated haemoglobin [ g VH/g Hb ] vs serum creatinine [ mol/L ] in 70 patients with CRF attending general nephrology clinics ) .
27 Either benefit may serve as a motivator to individuals who must be made aware of these benefits and their own role .
28 Er we had er buy a bucket of water campaign and we did erm er you know I , we went in local shops selling little stickers and it all went to and the wells have been dug and I believe Afghanistan has got wells that have been dug with , through the er Womens ' Guild .
29 With 120 furnaces and its own wharf on the Tees , the Britannia site no doubt looked impressive , but the 1870s were the wrong time for businesses to try to expand .
30 Replacements have been confined to a new head gasket around 3,000 hours and one each of pto and main clutches .
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