Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] show that there " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the available data on personal savings show that there has been a rise rather than a fall during the 1970s when taxation rates were higher than at any time before .
2 Official figures showed that there was an 84.5 per cent turnout of the 682,000-strong electorate .
3 This has been pointed out by Lind ( 1983 : 271 ) , who adduces the following examples to show that there is " no correlation between active participation and omission of to " : ( 23 ) … he said briefly , helping me climb in through the rear window .
4 Certainly the first signs from other areas in which the Government have been allowed to carry out such schemes show that there will be considerable problems for transport users when the changes are introduced .
5 These graphs show that there are two components in the improvement .
6 These responses showed that there was a wide range of existing provision and that the proposals to meet the Haycocks recommendations also varied considerably .
7 If they do little else , these terms show that there is a great risk of over-simplifying the subject when the bald expressions ‘ cold-blooded ’ or ‘ warm-blooded ’ are used .
8 We used these techniques to show that there must have been a state of infinite density in the past , if the general theory of relativity is correct .
9 These results show that there is inappropriate staining by antibodies to blood group antigens in the biliary epithelium of most PSC patients compared with normal and disease controls , and that similar inappropriate staining is seen in the colonic epithelium .
10 These results show that there is a higher complication rate if there are features of Crohn 's disease but that the medium term functional results are acceptable if the pouch can be retained .
11 These records showed that there were occasional mastitis , lameness and infertility problems which were the main factors in reducing milk production .
12 The present results show that there may be enhanced expression of tumour necrosis factor α and interleukin 1Β mRNAs in ulcerative colitis , and tumour necrosis factor α mRNA in Crohn 's disease , compared with controls .
13 I think the interest that people have in those areas show that there is that hunger for a deep personal kind of faith , which they do n't usually find when they worship in the churches .
14 Analysis of variance across the 60 films treated as independent measures shows that there are no significant differences between the ten different junctions either in recognition performance ( F(9,50)=0.36 ) or in response bias ( F(9,50)=1.84 ) .
15 The information contained in the above tables shows that there has been a long-term trend this century for the proportion of non-manual jobs to increase , and of manual jobs to decrease .
16 A Compact will provide you with priority access to able and skilled young people at a time when the demographic trends show that there are fewer and fewer school leavers every year .
17 Er , on paragraph nine the government 's own figures show that there is a shortfall of glee while the others who have a a social conscience , a and that they 've mixed , the site provision is n't keeping pace with the growth of the number of caravans and yet , what it 's proposing to do in this paper will make the situation worse by removing any incentive erm and any requirement on local authorities actually to provide the sites that are needed to make up that shortfall and it 's quite clear that what this is about is actually what it is happening in housing in general and that is shifting provision from the pri , from the public to the private sector .
18 The analysis of a range of both literary and non-literary examples shows that there is a variety of ways in which a reformulation may achieve relevance .
19 The study of the English economy in the late Middle Ages shows that there were wide discrepancies of fortune between different parts of the country , and that any attempt to understand its development must take into consideration not only such general factors as population change and the effects of war but also the immediate local factors which determined why one area could outstrip another in prosperity or decline .
20 Leaving aside the undoubted similarities in the nasohypophysial opening between cephalaspids and lampreys ( see above ) , these recent studies show that there is a striking resemblance between the cephalaspid skull and the skull of an early jawed vertebrate such as the placoderm ( Fig. 3 ) .
21 Although studies of modern societies show that there are usually strong links between social organization and material objects , these links are not the same in every society .
22 In the United Kingdom , gastric carcinoma is the sixth most common malignancy ; recent reports showed that there were 12750 cases and 10740 deaths in 19 ? ? .
23 Although the incidence of gastric cancer is declining worldwide , especially in the developed countries of North America , Europe , and Japan , there have been several recent reports showing that there has been an increase in carcinomas of the cardia compared with carcinomas in the antrum .
24 Is the hon. Gentleman aware that one estimate of the costs saved by industry by our joining EMU is 0.05 per cent. , while other estimates show that there would be an unnecessarily high increase in unemployment from being locked into EMU under current trading conditions ?
25 In real canoeing the study of experienced paddlers shows that there is very little difference between a high and low brace ( Figure 5 ) and to make a distinction is often counter-productive .
26 Comparison with the earlier comedies shows that there imposture is usually adopted consciously , deliberately — a man becomes a hypocrite for his own gain or/and the ruin of others .
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