Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] that [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He said it 's not an offence he said if you 've broke down , you ca n't help , he said but you 've got ta really move it so I went round to Paul and there was about seven or eight blokes that pushed it all the way round to Bernie 's .
2 Lee Rodwell on the conflicting views that leave her feeling muddled and guilty
3 What are the characteristics of stressed syllables that enable us to identify them ?
4 And while such mundane things as fluctating interest rates and ever-increasing gas , electricity , water bills remain on the scene , it 's a strong possibility that ‘ wider and deeper ownership ’ will be hampered by thevery economic policies that spawned it .
5 What is it about local economic policies that make them ‘ local ’ ?
6 Presumably it was both practical and political reasons that led him to the subject working party strategy .
7 The Iranian policies that frighten its neighbours and the wider world are said to include the promotion of international terrorism , attempts to obstruct peace between Israel and the Arabs and a burning ambition to acquire long-range missiles and weapons of mass destruction .
8 They are experiencing what women have always known — that the life-sustaining relationships that enable us to grit our teeth and pick our way through the mess made by men , to endure and to survive , are those we share with other women : our mothers , our sisters , our neighbours and friends .
9 Come and see the sorcerer 's kitchen where I brew up the grotesque potions that make me a legend here . ’
10 Graham calling from in Sussex , is it the economic aspects that concern you most ?
11 He had spent some time alone after talking to her father , had changed his clothes and had a shower , trying to clear his mind of all the stuff of history , the political necessities that ruled their lives , the reasons he must lie .
12 She thought of him as a big tree , with strong branches that enabled her to climb him , which she did when he was home .
13 By the time they are mature , hedgehogs can have several thousand of the modified hairs that give them their prickly appearance and an ideal form of defence against attackers .
14 We give up seeing ourselves as ‘ the dream child ’ , ‘ the shadow child ’ , ‘ the rejected child ’ , or any of the other wounded images that affect our relationships with others .
15 Their new LP ( their best since their first , Psychocandy ) is good for different reasons : because it has the sort of rumbling guitars and invigorating , climbing , bittersweet songs that make you jump out of bed and open up the curtains in the morning .
16 Such criticism leads us directly to the higher plains of aestheticism from where it becomes possible to adopt a universal outlook , a point of view based on the sort of timeless values that enable one to study objectively ( unsentimentally , unemotionally and ‘ without rancour ’ ) the lower depths of social reality .
17 The 12 hours that shook us all
18 My grandmother is a keen birdwatcher and she 'd already introduced me to a lot of the different birds that visited her bird-table , telling me what they ate and showing me their nests and explaining how they were made and what they were made of .
19 American banks will need years to recover from the now souring loans to property developers and leveraged buy-outs that followed their third-world lending .
20 It was proving to be an ideal choice of holiday with a programme of free activities that gave us an easy opportunity to make friends with the guests form other nations who gave the Club such a cosmopolitan atmosphere .
21 Inside , her organs twined about each other unnaturally , her bones softened and grew functionless knobs that breached her skin .
22 But if you are n't prepared to wade through acres of news and advertising print , your financial adviser should be able to pick out a few plans that suit your needs .
23 By the time I see her put on her high heels that make it worse though .
24 Hastings Sea Life Centre takes you on a journey beneath the crashing waves that surround our coastline to discover a whole new world …
25 When he turned to look at her with some compassion , she walked the few steps that kept them apart and , staring at him with desperate eyes , insisted , ‘ That woman in the docks … it was her , was n't it ?
26 After a while when the sickness had subsided , she opened the door and was about to creep cautiously away , when she heard her father speak some words that halted her : ‘ Who 's to blame for the club nights , I ask you ? ’ he was saying .
27 Trent was reassured by the absence of hate in the dark , watchful , Latin eyes that faced him .
28 We publish all our own books , and our list of titles reflects the wide range of powerful , amusing and entertaining subjects that interest our Members .
29 I will find some shops that suit me . ’
30 Neither was she aware of the mumbled words that passed her lips as the hours went by , nor of the method he used to warm her when she started to shiver again .
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