Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] for another [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From there we went in a funny little train with open trucks which fascinated Tim , until we got to a railway junction where we had to wait on the station for some hours for another train to take us to Calcutta .
2 He will appoint a combination team of baby boomers and the old guard , some of whom have waited 12 years for another crack at running the country .
3 Tirpitz lies at the bottom of the local fjord , and every year the local diving club goes down to it on New Year 's Day to retrieve a handful of bits guaranteed to fuel the old fires for another year .
4 The children can return every six months for another month .
5 Surely it 's easy enough to print both metric and imperial measures for another decade or two ?
6 He climbed hard , hurried around the field and broke into the circling planes for another attack .
7 D&B seems to have forgotten that IBM is its largest mainframe customer base and says there are no plans to convert to these systems for another year or so .
8 D&B seems to have forgotten that IBM is its largest mainframe customer base and says there are no plans to port to these systems for another year or so .
9 He aims to hold these shares for another year .
10 Anke Rohlfs , the guest teacher from Coburg was a great ‘ hit ’ and we have received many requests for another course in the ideal surroundings of Green Park .
11 Ten Songs For Another World ’ ( Young God )
12 Ten Songs For Another World ’ is the sound of Gira 's female half .
13 Ten Songs For Another World ’ ( Young God )
14 Ten Songs For Another World ’ is the sound of Gira 's female half .
15 It is now 10 years since the last of the Apollo astronauts set foot on the lunar surface and there are no immediate plans for another visit .
16 Stewpid reaches for another choc , remembers me , and shoves the box towards me with his free hand .
17 I have tried to exclude the legendary detectives for another day , but , despite my best efforts , Sam Spade , Philip Marlowe and James Bond have still managed to insinuate themselves : they used foot-in-the-door tactics , I 'm afraid , and who am I to argue ?
18 You will remember that the brief for our competition was to design one of our next two gardens for another pair of fictional Beechgrove characters .
19 Then all machine-dependent routines must be written as separate subroutines , with clear documentation , so that equivalent routines for another machine can be exchanged for them .
20 These smaller countries also present any ‘ European ’ policy efforts with special problems for another reason .
21 Successes have included gaining removal expenses for a woman who had been refused them , and furniture from Calderdale Voluntary Services for another woman who was not entitled to a Single Payment from the DHSS .
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