Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be hold to " in BNC.

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1 In 1985 regulations were held to be void as having no statutory authority where their purpose was to force able-bodied young people who lived on supplementary benefit to move from one area to another in search of employment .
2 Removal of water through artesian wells is held to be the reason why the tower began going off at an angle soon after building work began in 1174 .
3 It is the difference between a necessary empirical shift , when reasoning is taken across to one of its presumed objects and must take the full strain of the encounter , and a deceptive ( because falsely generalized ) empiricism , in which certain kinds of attention to certain presumptively autonomous objects are held to be justified and protected by the terms of an unargued immediacy .
4 The plaintiff individual workers were held to be entitled to assert their right to transfer .
5 These buckets were held to be of merchantable quality ( but see paragraph 7–22 below ) .
6 The familiar blue and white hoops were held to a 9–9 draw at Berry Hill on the opening day of the season and since then they have won every league match .
7 The union of both right and left hemispheres in bilateral symmetry results , ideally , in the perfect man ; the enlightened one , as all Pharaohs were held to be .
8 The profits of a Hong Kong company which granted fixed fee sub-licences of video films to overseas customers were held to be ‘ arising in ’ and ‘ derived from ’ Hong Kong by the Privy Council in Commissioner of Inland Revenue v HK-TVB International Ltd [ 1992 ] STI 745 .
9 This was at a time when the same gp160 product was being vigorously touted by MicroGeneSys as a prophylactic vaccine candidate ; a time when , as now , being able to mimic as closely as possible the natural viral antigens was held to be important for such a vaccine .
10 Fluctuations about these mean positions are held to be Gaussian and not dependent upon the strain .
11 Several unions were held to be in contempt , were fined and had their assets sequestrated .
12 The economic benefits were held to be significant .
13 Onomatopoeic words are held to ‘ resemble ’ their referents auditorially , but the degree of objective similarity may be very low ( perhaps no lower , however , than the perceived visual resemblance between a cartoonist 's representation of a political figure and its subject ) .
14 By an ‘ ethical a priori ’ position I mean to indicate that certain principles are held to be an a priori and not subject to qualification .
15 That means that Woolwich were asserting a legal right to recover the payments in the event of the relevant Regulations being held to be ultra vires , and stating that the payments were made without prejudice to such right .
16 This occurs where two motorists are held to be equally to blame for a collision and the plaintiff is injured .
17 Certain occupations were held to be unfitting for baptized believers ; magic , idolatry , eroticism , games in the amphitheatre ranked as unsuitable occupations .
18 The source of the higher hazards at the youngest and oldest maternal ages are held to be , in the case of infants born to teenagers , the physiological immaturity that often characterizes very young women at the birth of their first child ; the mother 's social immaturity and inexperience with child care ; and impoverishment in respect to formal schooling and overall living conditions .
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