Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be [prep] i " in BNC.

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1 These syllables are for me the quintessence of the Beautiful , the Worthy , they are an inspiration , a political confession of faith and a moral and spiritual claim ’ .
2 The next day I ventured out to see our new village , conscious that many curious eyes were on me .
3 Everyone who comes here at once delights in the surroundings , and yet when those periods were upon me , nothing could brighten my day nor lift the gloom .
4 Embarrassing as those moments were for me , I would not wish to imply that I in any way blame Mr Farraday , who is in no sense an unkind person ; he was , I am sure , merely enjoying the sort of bantering which in the United States , no doubt , is a sign of a good , friendly understanding between employer and employee , indulged in as a kind of affectionate sport .
5 But Mother must have known how precious dollies were to me and set about making me a black one taking the pattern from my old one , which I called Cuddles .
6 And I 'd bet most guitarists are like me .
7 The scenes that followed were so piteous that even now , two days after , I tremble to recall them ; and the screams of the women and frightened children are with me day and night .
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