Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] go [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 Maybe that 's just me , but that 's how I feel … there 's no warmth … just red paint around the outside and then a few splodges gone over with different coloured paint and [ he ] hoped for the best …
2 The bus reversed its direction and the would-be rioters went off with laughter and cheers , no bad blood on either side .
3 That is to be increased and perhaps there should be an increase in the sentence for hardened criminals going out with a criminal purpose and carrying a knife .
4 proposed erm and that point the Liberal Democrats went off with the Tories .
5 After a long day filming , our three Busmen went off with notes on everything from the capital of Grand Cayman to the flag of Ougodogoland .
6 These women go out with their children and in their bags or baskets , instead of carrying nappies or extra clothing for their children , they have the bombs or weapons which we will use a few blocks further on .
7 Three constables went along with torches , firing the furze .
8 Elizabeth gave her a warm , vivid smile , and her hand , and good wishes to go home with her .
9 The Financial Times of June 29 wrote : " There is still a sense of illegality , or at least doubtful legality , about Denmark 's 11 partners going ahead with ratifying the Maastricht Treaty on political and monetary union , when the Treaty of Rome [ establishing the European Economic Community in 1957 ] says that constitutional revisions must carry the unanimous assent of all EC states .
10 Frantic consultations went on with the Chinese , the newly-established Gomulka in Poland , with the Romanians , Bulgarians , Czechs , even with Tito .
11 In particular one thing I 'm dealing with is black women going out with white men , which is a big issue now .
12 And their third album , which is actually untitled , should do even better now that they have notched up a few hit singles to go along with the hit album .
13 ‘ Good God , I thought those things went out with the ark .
14 And he said , ‘ What entered your head anyway , to be marrying a foreign woman when there 's hundreds of thousands of good Irish women going round with their tongues hanging out for a husband . ’
15 Mind you , the red shoes go well with that dress I got in the sales .
16 Several congressmen went home with black eyes and serious neck injuries .
17 The Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC ) , which includes Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , the United Arab Emirates and three other major oil producers , has warned that it will cut oil exports if Western countries go ahead with the introduction of energy taxes .
18 I do n't know whether the other girls go round with her but erm what 's the other girls name that was here ?
19 See like erm l l l lorries and all like that , caravans , I mean I , caravans , we used to load the small ones and er we used to have two bars go underneath with a bit of wood on top and we used to have one hand on one end while they cos that was a damn nuisance .
20 Why do we need two nurses going round with a medicine tray ?
21 From early surprise victories in the wild hills around Loch Trool , Bruce and his reinvigorated followers went on with growing confidence during the next seven years to capture one castle after another from the English .
22 There is growing public support for buying and protecting wildlife areas , according to the Paris-based European Fund for the Preservation of Nature , which has amassed sufficient funds to go ahead with its first purchases of land for conservation , in Brittany and Normandy .
23 He found it hard enough to persuade senior officers to go along with the peace settlement .
24 It flew through the air to land some distance away as both men went down with a crash that shook the ground .
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