Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] go up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The main tax rates remained unchanged , while most tax allowances and excise duties were increased in line with inflation ( 7.7 per cent over the 12 months to December 1989 ) , although some duties went up by 10 per cent .
2 ‘ He asked some girls to go up on stage and give him a kiss , and just for a joke I did .
3 Between 1979 and 1987 the number of inpatients treated in English hospitals went up by a quarter and day cases by almost 60 per cent .
4 Alcoholic drinks went up by 6 per cent .
5 House sales over the six months went up from 357 units for the previous comparable period to 409 .
7 These lifts go up through the ceiling into the room above .
8 Until try small shabby door on landing : which opens up on to flight of filthy stairs going up into cobwebbed , dust-laden attic smelling of undiscovered murders , with tiny dormer window , size of large paperback .
9 After no less than four mortgage rate rises in the past 18 months — which have brought the average home loan rate close to an all-time high of 15 per cent — home buyers have seen their monthly payments go up by more than 50 per cent .
10 There had been no improvement in productivity , retail prices went up by 1.5 per cent ( although the real level of inflation was widely thought to be at least double that ) , and wages remained static in real terms .
11 THREE arms go up in a golden salute as brothers Jonny and Greg Searle celebrate victory with Garry Herbert in the 2000m coxed pairs .
12 But there was only misery for Middlesbrough as their treble hopes went up in smoke with a 4–2 defeat at home to Portsmouth in their replay .
13 There are some posh flats going up at neighbouring Royal Quays which will provide building jobs : ‘ It 's Sun City in the middle of Bantustan , ’ a Labour councillor said to me .
14 But it 's a funny thing how many cyclists go up along that path
15 All boats go up on a rising tide , ’ observes Frank Delaney philosophically at the end of one of those come-on-Fred-we-give-you-all-this-advertising-how-about-an-in-depth-profile pieces , in this case on Harper-Collins , that PN does so well .
16 Richard Baxter saw this as an illustration of the vanity of this life as both rich and poor alike had to stand by helplessly as their houses and all their worldly goods went up in flames before their eyes .
17 The price of petrol was increased by 47 per cent , domestic butane gas by 60 per cent and electricity by 71 per cent , and telephone and postal rates went up by 58 per cent and 81 per cent respectively .
18 It was a large wooden building , with no ceiling but cool crisscrossed rafters going up into the roof of wood and thatch .
19 I shall look into the point that the hon. Gentleman makes about an amendment to the law , but the existing penalties go up to life imprisonment for various forms of crime involving knives and the like .
20 Look at those flares going up over No. 6 Commando positions . ’
21 They are the result of a survey in the wake of statistics which revealed that a quarter of a billion pounds goes up in smoke each year as part of Belfast 's annual energy bill .
22 According to the General Household Survey , the proportion of one-person households went up from 17 per cent in 1971 to 26 per cent in 1988 , while that of households with six or more people fell from 6 to 2 per cent .
23 60 percent of the parachutes used by Britain 's armed forces went up in flames .
24 Here at last you are in the real mountains , with the highest peaks going up to some 5,000 feet .
25 So you have the downstairs back and the the front stairs go up to the ca n't actually see That 's definitely the back door .
26 Inflation remains low although , on the back of poor weather in farm districts , wholesale prices went up by 0.6% in April , their fastest rise since October 1990 .
27 When the train crossing time was increased to 30 seconds the mean delays went up to 0.52 , 0.75 and 3.0 seconds for the three vehicle separation times , and the maximum queue lengths became 2 , 4 and 10 respectively .
28 The news media learned of the arrests next morning and over a number of days outraged protests went up from loyalist spokesmen , including leaders of loyalist political parties and Andrew Beattie 's colleagues on the Constitutional Stoppage Central Co-ordinating Committee .
29 At this time Scott might have had twenty-five or thirty houses going up at once .
30 New buildings going up above broad boulevards ; spacious parks and rose-filled gardens , under a sky dramatic with cloud patterns ; the sense of a vigorous and tough-minded white community , with some at least eager to work out a new society along with the blacks .
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