Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [that] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is the possibility of such many-one codings that justifies a multilevel model of language in the first place .
2 Chapter 7 shows how the nature of management strategy has been influenced by the success of the government in changing the ‘ rules of the game ’ — the set of political signals that forms the environment for managerial decision-making and determines the broad costs and benefits of different courses of action .
3 The result of such stringency is a vetting of would-be candidates that makes the post of Pope look like slumming .
4 But it also implies , as my answer to the hon. Member for Sheffield , Attercliffe ( Sir P. Duffy ) stated , Government policy in political , economic and social matters that deprives the terrorist of the support which he might otherwise have enjoyed .
5 Singapore is one of the few countries that supports the reality of global business .
6 For Marx on the other hand the difference is more material : the division of labour between branches exists on the basis of the interchange of products as commodities , whereas within the enterprise the specialised worker produces no commodities — ‘ It is only the common product of all the specialised workers that becomes a commodity ’ ( ibid . ) .
7 It is conceivable , though unlikely , that ectopic expression of N-Oct 3 induces expression of another gene(s) that encode(s) the N-Oct 5 proteins .
8 GKS is an enormous work of 280 pages that describes a set of functions for computer graphics programming . ’
9 When young , it is one of the few wines that makes a good partner for salads .
10 In some ways that intensifies the feeling .
11 Against all this the ESP addicts will retort that there is one feat performed by some cats that requires an acceptance of telepathic communication between human owner and lost feline .
12 The roots of Habermas 's concept of lifeworld clearly lie with the phenomenology of Schutz and Berger and Luckmann ( see Chapter 3 ) but his concept is closely related to a theory of social systems that includes the institutional structure of society .
13 It must always have been the case that some problems are inherently insoluble , but perhaps it is the stress on all social services that turns the CAB into the last port of call when all others have failed .
14 This problem is dealt with by a muscle in the middle ear attached to one of the trio of tiny bones that transmits the vibrations of the ear-drum to the tubular organ in the skull that converts them into nervous stimuli .
15 It is knowledge of these required functions that allows the designer to turn that space into a performing component .
16 It is the fact that Wirral 's heroin ‘ epidemic ’ has continued despite these not inconsiderable official efforts that makes the writing of this book important for , as we shall see , this community 's heroin problem still resists official antidotes .
17 It is then not surprising that much of the response to the sociology of knowledge is a defence of these disciplines that incorporates the common-sense proposition that social context can influence the form and content of knowledge .
18 Carter remained loyal to the 1960s ethos , and there 's an elegiac tone to some of these pieces that suggests the necessary work of iconoclasm had already passed into other hands .
19 The famous St. Ursula winery at Bingen-am-Rhein in Germany produces this attractive blend of wine and natural waters that retains the typical Germanic style .
20 It is the attraction of opposite charges that holds the negatively charged electrons in the atomic periphery where they encircle the positively charged nucleus , but the corollary is that like charges repel ; two protons , each one positively charged , repel one another .
21 but it 's beforehand eh , for instance they have little flowers that tells the story of what 's , what the plays about and I think it 's fair enough to read that , because a sighted person would go in and pick it up
22 It is the interrelationship of these points that enables the analysis of deixis in the genre of the lyric poem to proceed .
23 Indeed there is a case for saying that it is the mix of ions of opposite polarities that makes the resonance formula adaptable and actually causes a self-tuning resonance .
24 This , rather neatly , brings us to another of the major problems that besets the desktop publishing market ; fonts and their presentation .
25 When the River Erne reaches Fermanagh , it broadens out into immense Lough Erne , a fragmented inland sea of a thousand islands that bisects the whole county and reaches clear to Cavan in the south .
26 It is the sum of many articles and many issues that gives a magazine character and measures success or failure .
27 The result is often a series of complex compromises that obtains the theoretical advantages of neither system and forms the basis for further argument .
28 This shows that one of the major factors that distinguishes the films of motorways and bends in roads from those of junctions is that they were rated as having less to see in them .
29 It seems likely that it is the ratio of anaerobes to pathogenic aerobic bacteria that determines the magnitude of pathological change in the established reservoir .
30 Erm I think that in in broad terms that covers the architectural aspects we we have of course , as er , Paul mentioned at the beginning erm talked the these designs through with the Clark Hill , Honey Hill and Fern Hill Resident 's Association and they have erm been , been shown the exhibition on the estate and er we believe that they 've been well received towards seeing what
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