Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb mod] see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The establishment of a locally-based subsidiary company will commonly be regarded by a foreign or multinational holding company as a sensible and effective way of carrying out the business of the latter company ; but the English courts will see it differently .
2 Some alterations have been made to it , such as substituting a cast-iron beam for the original timber one , but it is basically intact as built , and interested visitors can see it on application to the Coal Board 's local area office .
3 Some observers can see it with the naked eye under ideal conditions , though I certainly can not .
4 But the question was being only vaguely suggested — the next forty-five years would see it become more sharply pointed , demanding an answer from the interested individual and from the missionary Church .
5 Novell 's network products are mostly for PCs , but the next few years will see them move into the traditional minicomputer market with support for a number of minicomputer systems , thus re-enforcing their dominance .
6 Foreign investors would see us not as the launch pad to Europe but as some backwater .
7 Some men may see it as a challenge , ’ he said coldly .
8 ‘ A few volleys will see them off , so stand firm ! ’
9 ‘ About 30,000 fans will see her as she travels around the country .
10 Miss Bayliss claimed male officers could see her as she stood naked in the room , through a small window in the door .
11 Astronomers probably lean towards the idea that yes there is , and there are currently searches , I believe , in the United States erm beaming signals with characteristic wavelengths , erm in the hope that extra terrestrials will see them .
12 These unique products will see us through the rest of the 1990s , will beat the recession and competitors [ who ? ] , as well as all targets known to mankind in the years ahead .
13 In most cases the issue raises no problems , but estranged parents using the child to fight their bat ties or rebellious teenagers seeking recognition of their maturity and autonomy against over-protective or interventionist parents may see it as an important issue of principle .
14 I failed to arrange any stereotypical symbol of masculinity in the porch where all visitors would see it instantly : a pair of size ten wellingtons , a cricket fixture list , a rifle perhaps .
15 If a would-be burglar was standing outside your front or rear door , how many neighbours could see him ?
16 Because getting young Rossiter up to eleven lengths will see me to the grave .
17 A return to five furlongs should see him back on the winning path .
18 If the Irish comrades could see him now ! thought Alice , watching this deft , swift , accomplished work ; and then how he , with Philip and herself , lifted the great tank , as if it weighed nothing , on to the top of the papers …
19 Now I 'm not getting at you or Peter Underhill , both of being excellent fellows ; but this is just the sort of thing I predicted would happen twenty years ago when we , as a country , started to ‘ go metric ’ and were assured that five years would see it done .
20 Integrating primary care into the contracting framework of the health service will have advantages for patients , doctors , and managers but general practitioners could see it as a threat to independence rather than an end to isolation .
21 The radical feminist analysis described at the beginning of this chapter would see these as aspects of men 's patriarchal control over women ; the Marxist feminists would see them as a result of capitalism ; others would see them as the outcome of both systems , and indeed of racist systems too .
22 Female fans might see it as a challenge . ’
23 Each should be designed for its recipient , but remember that other eyes may see it .
24 Nevertheless , in the course of the years , there were some letters that were painful , and meant for no other eyes ; and no other eyes will see them .
25 A hundred feet would see me clear of the danger zone , and this distance I covered foot by foot , walking sideways with my face to the rocks and the rifle to my shoulder ; a strange mode of progress , had there been any to see it .
26 CLOSE is a limit order system which allows investors to leave orders which are then publicised in the market , e.g. if an investor wanted British Aerospace at £5.00 when the market price was £5.08 the limit order could be left with the investors ' broker , and other brokers could see it .
27 However , given a reasonable state of preservation , you should come to no harm at Scourie ; and most days will see you happily tramping anything up to six miles , fishing perhaps a dozen different waters along the way , with golden eagle , red deer and curlew for company .
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