Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [pn reflx] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Two Palestinians were shot dead in clashes with the Israeli army in the occupied territories yesterday as wanted Arabs gave themselves up for fear of being shot by undercover squads .
2 As those behind came piling into the snarl-up , the Scottish schiltrons launched themselves downhill and cut the stumbling knights to pieces .
3 The planned Leipzig Museum for Contemporary Art was conceived back in 1987 , before the reunification of Germany , as a place in which art from both East and West could be seen together a means of ending the isolation that East German museums found themselves in .
4 The minute for the first of April begins " In the spring of the present year a few friends convened themselves together for the purpose of considering the possibility of opening a News & Reading Room . "
5 The Revolution also changed the earlier status of the Whigs as a party of opposition and the Tories as the party of government , as some Whigs found themselves increasingly drawn into the new royal administration , and as Tories became more and more alienated from the new regime .
6 In other words , some women defined themselves out of the labour market because they felt that they were unlikely to get paid work or because they believed that they had no right to paid work .
7 His shaven eyebrows worked themselves up and down as he shouted .
8 The real researchers found themselves as restricted as the employed technicians , and soon left in frustration .
9 In the settings of four aphoristic poems by Istvan Balint for soprano and 14 players — which Kurtag began in 1972 and recently revised — the outside influences declared themselves quite readily , whether they were from East European folk music or Webern : and in this performance , the soprano Adrienne Csengery and Sinfonietta excelled themselves with sudden flashes of colour and bursts of intense virtuosity .
10 Two young Muslim Indians blew themselves up in Johannesburg in
11 My uncle in the evening had read aloud something where the line was quoted The child is father to the man and these words insinuated themselves not into the stony ground and thistles of my mind but into the dark rich soil that brings forth a hundred fold .
12 It was to be 24 days before the last hard-core protesters gave themselves up .
13 Why did he remain voiceless while her high-pitched utterances spat themselves about ?
14 These women did themselves well , at least their husbands did them well .
15 The three boys rearranged themselves rather self-consciously .
16 Secondly , one would very much doubt whether one would find that all organizations aligned themselves neatly on to national patterns .
17 It seems likely that the Reformation may have contributed to this dramatic rise in prosecutions — which some historians have labelled a ‘ witch-craze ’ — both because the new climate of religious strife led to a general heightening of fears and suspicions , and because without the protective magic of Catholicism , many individuals felt themselves more vulnerable in the face of malevolent forces , and thus more impelled to take action against them .
18 Before selling , many dealers psyched themselves up .
19 In the classroom , where once the tidy scholars applied themselves diligently in their neat rows of desks , there is a carnival of disrespect .
20 Married women found themselves either excluded entirely from , or treated very poorly by , a whole range of measures designed to work through the labour market .
21 I do n't believe it was a coincidence , and if it was n't — ’ he had finally sorted it out — ‘ if it was n't then it means that Sardinian shepherds dressed themselves up as Sardinian shepherds to do a kidnapping .
22 Her mobile features squeezed themselves around sulkily .
23 Three blurred shapes lowered themselves down on to the concrete and sped away .
24 The older men established themselves over by the fireplace .
25 And in late 1966 , the Rolling Stones wound themselves up into a pitch of fury with ‘ Have You Seen Your Mother , Baby , Standing In The Shadow ? ’ , one of the most nihilistic records ever made .
26 Fuelled by fear , soured by defeat and reinforced by Dulles 's essential ingredient , self-righteousness , the American inquisitors devoted themselves single-mindedly to unmasking a conspiracy which did not exist .
27 She bit her lip as her own words flung themselves back in her face .
28 But the siege ended peacefully after two unarmed men gave themselves up .
29 Years later , even , when 617 just happened to be in my Canberra Wing at Binbrook after the war , oddly enough both Nos 617 and 9 Squadrons found themselves together in my four-squadron wing .
30 The secret policemen made themselves so hated by ordinary Iraqis that they now depend on the president 's protection almost as much as he depends on theirs .
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