Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Youngest Son would stay with us in Al Ain , catching up on his studies in order to graduate with his class from secondary school , but it would be a week before the Sheikh and his elder sons drew up in their big Mercedes and brought that filling of the house that always comes when men are at home , the heavy laughter , the smell of pipe smoke , screeches of excitement from the children as they are tossed high in the air .
2 This whole area had blossomed as a great region for settlement , in which the Spanish language was steadily being forced upon the survivors of the original population and to which Spanish emigrants went out as regular reinforcements to maintain the conquests of Cones and Pizzano .
3 At the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village eight cops moved in for another raid on a gay bar .
4 A row of yellow , baleful eyes looked down from the darkness among the rafters .
5 His wicked , mocking eyes gleamed down at her .
6 The SSL holds a core collection of material covering scientific and technical aspects backed up by the National Library 's other relevant collections such as official publications , legislation , and popular science items .
7 Odd hairs straggled out of various warts , and the brown freckles of age gave them a strange resemblance to the stones .
8 Jack 's last game for the Palace first team was on Easter Saturday , 3 April 1926 , when he helped Palace to a 1–1 draw at Gillingham , but 7,000 fans turned up for his Benefit match at Selhurst Park a little over a year later to show their appreciation of as fine a player as ever wore the Palace colours .
9 Or he could be following a highway of pheromonal signals laid down by fellow members of his species — a trail leading to food , maybe .
10 A lorry rolled past us along the road , its crumbling body bright with painted pictures plastered over with dust .
11 The Prophet 's bloody lips drew back from his teeth in a silent snarl of hate , and he began to speak .
12 Julie fell dead beneath a tree , its lower branches hacked off in the frenzied attack .
13 Shirtsleeved guards moved about with forms-cheerful , overworked .
14 In the meantime the women 's liberation movement was changing rapidly ; expanding , feminists were becoming active in a whole range of trade union activities , setting up women 's centres , refuges for battered wives , all kinds of research , discussion … the group , although it continued to meet , give or take a member or two , for a further four years , was a friendship , a support group of women who had struggled through to political consciousness together , and whose own political allegiances sparked off in many directions : a gay commune , further teaching , trade union organising , membership of one of the numerous revolutionary left-wing groupings which flourished in the seventies , involved in producing feminist journals .
15 Yet though the issue of unemployment exerted considerable impact upon British politics it does not appear that Britain 's political parties came up with much in the way of a meaningful solution to the problem .
16 The political parties warmed up for a general election by bickering over whether the new health trusts remain part of the national health service .
17 The Righteous Brothers popped in for a swifty , as did Twin Peaks star Sherilyn Fenn .
18 The Righteous Brothers popped in for a swifty , as did Twin Peaks star Sherilyn Fenn .
19 Hooded waves sprang out at her like muggers from underwater alleyways .
20 Wooden balconies jutted out from the upper storeys , giving the plaza not only a feeling of space but of intimacy .
21 Only a few states held out against Europe as staunchly as did Ethiopia .
22 The oil ignited and the wooden houses flared up like match-sticks .
23 Another five reluctant paired birds took off as the panic spread around the pond .
24 This forecast rate of increase simply did not materialize , and once again British cities got by with incremental adjustments , while an accelerated process of decentralization helped to transfer traffic flows from the centre to a series of nodes within the city region .
25 In the 118 cases mentioned in at least one national newspaper ( 70 were in only local papers ) , there were only 19 cases ( 16 per cent ) where the coverage of the incident lasted more than one day , and only 8 where this lasted several days .
26 So they need fresh enemies ordered up from time to time just to keep their chins jutting .
27 The attack began when incendiary bombs went off on two floors of a museum in Shrewsbury Castle , Shropshire — causing £250,000 damage and destroying many irreplaceable relics of three famous regiments .
28 At the airport planes of astonishingly different sizes — like children 's toys on different scales mixed up in the same game queue to use the runway for take-off .
29 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
30 I tucked the binoculars into the holdall again and without any sensible plans wandered back towards the dining car .
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