Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 These commercial ventures led to many disputes , and Love was extremely litigious , appearing often as a plaintiff in Chancery .
2 The delay in 10 cities had in many instances allowed more time for local coalitions to be negotiated .
3 Such gestures appealed to many Romanians , as they did to Western observers anxious to see Ceauşescu as a ‘ patriot ’ and reformer .
4 The possibility that natural communities could be visualized in similar terms occurred to many biologists in the later decades of the century , thus providing an incentive to study the interactions upon which the whole network depended .
5 Early collectors had in many cases got decretals wherever they could find them .
6 These weaknesses appeared in many forms .
7 These studies clearly defined the lessons to be learned from the accident , and in turn these lessons led to many official recommendations that were directly aimed at improving the safety of such plants and minimising the consequences of future accidents .
8 The dispersal of housing and employment growth from the cities to surrounding counties occurred in many different phases , but has increasingly raised major questions in land-use planning .
9 Those in West Germany were utterly opposed , partly because the policy proposals , they had developed , also contained the long-term aim of reducing in a painless manner the number of small , less efficient farm units ; small farms predominated in many parts of West Germany .
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