Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [coord] [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We visited both city and rural programmes and were struck by the amazing capacity of the people to overcome adversity , both natural disasters and the extremes of poverty .
2 It suggested that if a firm had low debts and was paying a lot of corporate tax its managers were actually being incompetent : while proudly keeping their credit ratings high , they were handing their shareholders ' money to the taxman .
3 Eight miles away you can visit the magnificent Arundel Castle , which originated in Norman times and was rebuilt by the Duke of Norfolk in the 1870s .
4 An impressive amateur , the 1984 super-heavyweight Olympic champion , Biggs had won all 15 professional contests and was reckoned to be a considerable prospect in the division until he was overwhelmed by Tyson in Las Vegas on 16 October , 1987 .
5 However , the Act was a disastrous failure for political reasons and was repealed by the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1974 .
6 He produced the triennial Greek plays eleven times and was made Knight Commander of the Order of the Redeemer by the Greek government .
7 The colonial administration was ‘ overdeveloped ’ in relation to other political and economic institutions and was supported in this by a complex ideology of racial superiority , paternalism and tolerance of indigenous institutions and practices that were consistent with imperial economic interests .
8 Where the words were , as in this case , descriptive words and were used in a descriptive sense , a trade mark was not affected .
9 The very rich religious vestments on display date from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and were used for many different ceremonies .
10 This was usually at low concentrations and was found predominantly in the upper two-thirds of the villi , with crypt epithelial cells being entirely negative .
11 Ramaema on May 13 announced the repeal of legislation banning political parties and was quoted as promising a restoration of democracy by means of elections by June 1992 .
12 The Party had supported Labour candidates and was calling for the return of a Labour Government .
13 This jurisdiction took a number of different forms and was exercised in different ways .
14 Muhammad ibn Ali promoted a campaign which used the medium of itinerant missionaries and was calculated to appeal to most of the people who for different reasons were discontented with the Umayyads .
15 The former mayor of Nice , Jacques Médecin , was found guilty on Jan. 6 of misusing public funds and was sentenced in absentia to one year 's imprisonment , ordered to pay nearly F2,500,000 ( about US$480,000 ) in fines and civil damages , and barred from holding public office for life .
16 Unemployment had risen from 80,000 to 400,000 over the previous 12 months and was expected to exceed 500,000 by the end of 1992 .
17 Modigliani disliked social gatherings but was persuaded by the promise of music to visit the couple .
18 Wharton said : ‘ It is something that I must overcome , I had trained for 12 rounds and was thinking of the crowd instead of doing the job I was in the ring to do . ’
19 He took a leading part in the formation of the Institute of Marine Engineers and was elected the first president in 1889 .
20 Many secondees had been a considerable time in their pre-secondment posts and were looking for variety .
21 He had been with Reuters for 21 years in 10 different posts and was looking for ‘ something different to do ’ .
22 Sir Robert said Mr Hale , who had worked for BR for 30 years and was called the captain of the ship in the Hidden report , had indicated he wished to take early retirement .
23 Of the two doctors it was undoubtedly Dr Dunstaple who had the largest number of adherents ; he had been the civil surgeon in Krishnapur for some years and was known to everyone as a kindly and paternal man .
24 The new regime 's most determined opponents eventually emerged as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq , led by Mas'ud Rajavi who established a base in Paris for some years and was reported in 1986 to have made his way to Baghdad .
25 Nietzsche wrote : " When I heard of the fires in Paris , I felt annihilated for some days and was overwhelmed by fears and doubts ; the whole academic ( wissenschaftlich ) , philosophical , artistic world seemed an absurdity , if a single day could wipe out the most glorious works of art , even whole periods of art ; I clung with earnest conviction to the metaphysical value of art , which can not exist for the sake of poor human beings , but has higher missions to fulfil . "
26 The police then sought the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions and were told that such evidence would not be admissible in Irish courts , and that the Attorney General would be seeking an injunction to prevent termination .
27 Prior to Batrec 's operations , Swiss batteries — even those collected separately by local authorities — were either sent abroad to dubious foreign dumps or were incinerated at home — a process which raised fears that residues could eventually enter the food chain .
28 Jean or Jeannie Symonds was still working in Skinners in 1913 , left the trade for a few years but was readmitted in 1927 , so it seems safe to assume that she spent much of her working life in the printing trade and did not marry .
29 ‘ She told me she had mucked up her first few weeks and was finding it very difficult to make friends . ’
30 The letter ordered some goods and was signed by Blenkarn in such a way that the signature looked like ‘ Blenkiron & co .
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