Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [coord] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She also had strong opinions and found it hard to " brook any delay or frustration .
2 Causton plans to alter the ends of the polymers to make them stick better to specific surfaces or make them attractive to only a particular protein .
3 In other words , management must continue to develop their own professional skills and sell them to the best bidder .
4 Vocalists had to bob down out of the way during instrumental breaks , and those unfamiliar with recording technique had to be man-handled by the recording director to bring them close to the horn on low notes and push them further away on high notes .
5 There would be problems about fixing the boundaries of regional authorities and providing them with finance — a regional rate would scarcely be popular .
6 At the fall of France , Donald Caskie had refused a place on the last boat home and instead had gone south where , working from the Seamen 's Mission in Marseilles , he had hidden hundreds of allied servicemen and helped them to escape over the Pyrenees into Spain .
7 With the Hughes — Ryan Act of 1974 , Congress endeavoured to impose some discipline on the CIA by requiring the agency to obtain presidential approval before embarking on covert operations and obliging it to notify eight different Congressional committees either before , or soon after , such operations commenced .
8 The income is 168 hours and remember you can not increase this even in times of severe inflation — you have all the time there is .
9 While she is away feeding they take the strange kittens and rub them gently in the bedding that carries the female 's scent .
10 He therefore consulted the defendant sellers of agricultural products and asked them to recommend a herbicide that could be used later than usual .
11 He has already reversed many measures taken by previous governments , which used martial law over economic matters and to detain political opponents or ban them from work or travel .
12 Abrams ( Bulmer , 1986 ) drew attention to the complexity of the concept ; many who are perceived as altruistic will themselves acknowledge the profound satisfaction which they derive from their supposedly selfless activities but find it difficult to put this into words .
13 They had removed their tall hats and placed them on their knees .
14 However , make sure you have recovered all of the stolen objects and returned them to their curators .
15 Lift a few leeks , parsnips and other overwintering vegetables and store them in a shed in case frost prevents you lifting them from open ground .
16 He shrugged his broad shoulders and gave her a warm smile .
17 He shrugged the shirt from his broad shoulders and threw it casually on to a chair .
18 For friendship 's sake , Maud tried to keep off political subjects and urged him to stick to his poems and visions .
19 She had sat on the seat cover , resting her head on the porcelain of the washbasin , licking dry lips and bringing her breathing down .
20 By promoting economic aspects and bringing them out into the open for everyone to see , we are contributing towards better informed decisions on the part of prescribers and policy makers alike . ’
21 Little Gabriels , out of control most of the time and impossible to educate , but with a fund of kindness that led them to rescue and foster wounded animals and plague her with them in the home .
22 Carefully he inserted his gloved fingers beneath the frontal lobes and lifted them up .
23 potscourers and torn tights and Knit them up
24 As Floy and Snodgrass watched in silence , the Elms stretched out their hard , lichen-crusted branches and brought them down on the prisoner 's shoulders and thighs , at the place where the skin had started to tear .
25 Sit on our bloody backsides and wish him luck ? ’
26 We count the florid banknotes and hand them over across the desk .
27 Cityscape , Hight Corners , and Terraces , has plenty of examples and demonstrations as well as introduces specific technical considerations and encourages us to look at and study architectural characteristics .
28 This type of informal intervention in turn increased confusion over the weight to be attached to the enterprise 's different objectives , and made it harder to co-ordinate political goals and express them in a coherent manner .
29 If you do not have scales and can not afford them , try to borrow some , or find your nearest public scales and visit them as often as you can .
30 to find high houses and to remedy them .
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