Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It says it will subsidise future private operators rather than permit them to raise London commuter fares to commercial levels .
2 One major difficulty about these notions of prejudice and stereotype concerns the all too common assumption that individuals hold prejudiced views consistently and express them and act in accordance with them in a systematic and uncontradictory manner .
3 Andrei , a conscript , swapped Latvian biscuits for Mongolian Arkhi vodka and Vitalie , a teenage cadet , explained the secret of speaking Russian ; you run the hyphenated syllables together and roll your Rs .
4 Pressure from Bruce Millan , EC regional commissioner , has resulted in the Treasury reluctantly accepting that the funds provided by Brussels are additional to government spending rather than part of it and should be steered to specific projects rather than forming part of the spending pool .
5 Robin commented : ‘ The operation of the monthly audit has drawn the regional operations closer and assisted us in meeting even higher customer service standards .
6 The number of private homes more than tripled in that period , so that by 1986 over 52 per cent of all residential homes were in private hands .
7 I'l be back with more on those European ties tomorrow but remember three important matches tonight .
8 I think you 've got to do something drastic , at the end of last year a considerable number of working parties and committees were actually reduced or eliminated , and I look at education and I look at the sub- committees of education , they 've all been replaced by working parties now that meet more and more regularly .
9 Collection boxes are available in the charity 's eight shops here and Help The Aged is hoping pubs , offices , clubs and shops will help with the collection .
10 Corral generally prefers buying from commercial galleries rather than auction houses and she often consults the artists about the works the Museum intends to buy .
11 And when they tied up at Water Gypsy 's permanent moorings , he gathered his few possessions together and left with only the most perfunctory of farewells .
12 Graham commented that in practice budgeting was usually a matter of upgrading finding bared on historical foundations rather than calculating what was required for the services that were needed , and he referred to university funding being ‘ budget-led ’ rather than ‘ product-led ’ .
13 ‘ I saw Earth Commander some minutes ago and talked to him about rain , ’ Zadak said quietly .
14 Meredith rubbed reddened fingers together and went round to the boot to unload her wares .
15 We are pleased offer our detailed views below and hope they will be taken into account before the Government finalises its procedures for the implementation of the EC Directive .
16 some notes here that have been here all , all the vacation , I think they 're yours are n't they ?
17 Blinked a few times instead and told him in a croaky voice that I 'd met Erica Upton twice and had sat next to her at dinner .
18 She only mentioned Margaret twice — once tenderly : ‘ the beautiful curtains Margaret and I chose together ’ — once tartly : ‘ Margaret would never prepare her lectures … just gather a few notes together and wonder why she was nervous at the last moment .
19 For instance , difficult toddlers were found to have more behavioural problems when they went to primary school ; unsociable toddlers were found to have poor social skills later and had difficulty in adjusting to school ; and toddlers with good language development showed above-average ability in language at the age of six .
20 They should aim to enable individuals to use their personal emotional and intellectual resources to modify their attitudes and behaviour and to learn new social skills so as to achieve a stable way of life with diminished or no use of alcohol .
21 PUTNEY buried one of its favourite sons yesterday and bore testament to a passing era .
22 He walked past a few minutes ago and said that 's the third letter you 've written today why do n't you put them in the same envelope and save postage ?
23 We reached Brigade H.Q a few minutes later and drove the jeep round to the back of the house where we unloaded the canisters .
24 He ran into the room a few minutes later and began to tear off his crumpled clothes .
25 ‘ When he puts a bad cross in , he 'll go down the line again a few minutes later and try once more .
26 Watching the BMW ease out into the traffic a few minutes later and accelerate away along the road , Harry turned Nadine 's words over in his mind .
27 Cook it for a few minutes longer than stated and eat it
28 If it 's not ready , boil for a few minutes more and test again .
29 Set the alarm clock a few minutes earlier and exercise before you get up .
30 And if we were going to be bored , and we were usually bored , rarely being self-motivated , we could at least be bored on our own terms , lying smashed on mattresses in ruined houses rather than working in the machine .
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