Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [prep] where the " in BNC.

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1 The relics were discovered in a lead box in the ruins of the abbey on land owned by two brothers , who had conflicting views on where the relics should be housed and who should own them .
2 The aggregate supply curve and its shape allow the introduction of different views of where the macroeconomy can settle and of the significance of economic policy in general and fiscal policy in particular .
3 They had heard that they sold them in Clery 's , and that was only a few minutes from where the bus stopped when it went to Dublin .
4 Some of them were some had got old cars in where the tyres , if it was a puncture it was these great big wheels with beaded edge tyres which you can , you put on in quite a different way from the modern car tyres .
5 It can be seen in this chapter that Green has given clear directions from where the picture should be painted .
6 They targeted a field near the East coast main line railway station in Easton , Lincs , only 800 yards from where the body of murdered Leeds teenager Julie Dart was found .
7 The confusion about the project has been made worse by the Government 's vacillation and indecision , and also by their lack of answers to my hon. Friends about where the finance for the project will come from .
8 A few miles from where the tiny ships first ‘ debouched from the Strait ’ is a spot which marks one of the suture-lines of the planet , one of those rare sites where can be seen the brushstrokes of creation .
9 This exchange has established some facts about where the snow is likely to be found and which terrain gives the best ski running .
10 She rested her head against a cushion so that she could stare straight up through the network of rigging and past the light-blanched sails to where the stars wheeled their cold fire beyond the mastheads .
11 The chart itself should be hung on a well-lit , shadow-free wall at a distance of six metres from where the subject stands .
12 Erm , it 's great having a neighbourhood area where all the traffic goes slowly , but there are certain radial roads in where the traffic should move I think at some speed .
13 [ … ] There are firmly held opposite views on where the main emphases should be placed .
14 The butt end of the cigar was three paces from where the tyre treads were clearest , probably where the car had braked .
15 Jenny is out there now , in those jagged hills to where the magicians and witches of the world were banished .
16 Fleury , as it happened , wanted to borrow a book and finding the door open took a few respectful steps towards where the Collector was sitting … which was on the floor , for some reason .
17 There are a couple of blemishes on the maple which look like black drips from where the pickup cavities have been painted , which is a little careless , but luckily these are not too noticeable sitting as they do underneath the player 's right arm during use .
18 As on other issues , Parliament as well as the relevant Ministers , preferred to let the Lord Chancellor 's gown of fairness and impartiality be thrown over what were essentially governmental decisions on where the public interest lay .
19 Songs like ‘ Freewheeling ’ and ‘ Pockets Of St Machali ’ ( both from their recent EP on Sacred Heart ) are good examples of where the flailing sound touches a few raw nerves .
20 ‘ We have , of course , put out feelers to the usual quarters about where the supplies came from , ’ said Milton , ‘ but the chances of finding the source of such a small supply are very slim indeed . ’
21 Write some short notes about where the stones have come from and how they have got their particular markings and colour .
22 The last time he 'd been seen was in a fight outside a pub in Carshalton , just ten miles from where the body was found .
23 The last time he 'd been seen was in a fight outside a pub in Carshalton , ten miles from where the body was found .
24 ‘ I saw two people hurt on the bridge about 500 metres from where the bomb went off .
25 If children record and graph each other 's ideas comparisons are easier and can lead to fruitful discussions about where the ideas came from .
26 Tuesday 27th we camped at East Twinbrook , about five miles from where the waterway ends and where the Chewonki van would be waiting to take us back to camp .
27 Any models between where the ball strikes the ground and where it comes to land are hit .
28 They both gazed thoughtfully along the wide , grey street lined with blackened houses to where the unfinished transept of the rose-pink cathedral smudged the high white sky .
29 They pause , too , about a hundred yards from where the Masai are fanning out around one of the hills .
30 Situated only about two miles from where the threshold of Heathrow 's runway 27L is today , Hanworth was once a fascinating place and home of all kinds of interesting flying machines , as well as a flying training school .
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