Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [unc] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Training programmes were at different stages of development , with the effect that staff interviewed had received on average eleven hours ' training in one area , with between five and six hours in the other districts .
2 I have to say I prefer the four hour cos I can get eight hours ' taping on mine .
3 He was now preparing his speech to the Academy , due to meet in eight hours ' time at the behest of the military .
4 The imposing historic Seamen 's Hospital in Whitby 's Church Street , which dates back to 1670 , is to undergo a renovation scheme .
5 ( 13 ) Mrs Arthur Goldberg , wife of the Secretary of Labour , paints professionally and helps sponsor the Associated Artists ' Gallery in the District of Columbia .
6 ( 37 ) Mrs Arthur Goldberg … paints professionally and helps sponsor the Associated Artists ' Gallery in the District of Columbia .
7 His early choice of subject set the tone for his later work — — Goya 's Queen Maria Luisa , and Velázquez 's portrait of the dwarf Francisco Lezcano ( Fig. 3 ) — in other words , great Spanish artists ' handling of their arrogant , ugly , bizarre or idiotic sitters .
8 European cities ' action on traffic pollution
9 Part of the evidence here comes from genetic analyses ( e.g. twin comparisons ) of normal subjects ' performance on ‘ creativity ’ tests .
10 She was taking eight months ' leave without pay from Coronation , but in the back of her mind was the odd feeling that she would n't be going back , and she did n't quite know what it meant .
11 It also means that the real value of the redemption payment will vary according to the rate of inflation during the last eight months ' life of a bond and so calculations of real yields to redemption can only be made on the basis of assumed rates of inflation .
12 On 11 June 1992 the husband was arrested at the wife 's house and on 12 June Judge Woodford , finding him guilty of breaches of the injunctions of 12 September 1991 and 12 May 1992 , sentenced him to eight months ' imprisonment for contempt of court .
13 Inspired by the work of Florence Nightingale in the Crimea , she was determined to become a nurse , and eventually , in 1860 , she overcame her mother 's opposition and embarked on eight months ' training at Kaiserswerth .
14 Here , Tiny Rowland concludes his version of events leading up to the Fayed brothers ' acquisition of the House of Fraser with a first-hand account of the situation in question against the background of his personal experience in business .
15 In the following example from the Foreword to A Hero from Zero , Tiny Rowland presents a summary of the events leading up to the Fayed brothers ' acquisition of the House of Fraser .
16 Hopkins refers to a German seamen 's manifesto of March 1917 , " with its impudent assertion that , apart from a few " isolated mistakes " U-boat warfare had been conducted with respect for human and humane principles " .
17 Bawden lived in that house for 30 years , and no one who went there could forget its atmosphere , partly created by its English artists ' eccentricity of decor .
18 Bassist Jennifer — 12 hours ' sleep in three days , we reckon — adding : ‘ I 'm having a really bad night tonight and I do n't know what it is , but the next person who smacks the mic or stands on our gear …
19 Their huts were 12 hours ' journey from the nearest main road , and the occasional and always unexpected arrival of the maximo lider was a cause for rejoicing and an indication that somebody , somewhere actually cared for them and took an interest in their otherwise isolated and neglected lives .
20 In 12 of the 16 cases , fresh tissue specimens were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen after 30 minutes ' incubation in gum sucrose for immunohistological studies .
21 We have said that immigration and asylum cases are unique in that the Government and the United Nations fund a free , professional legal advice and representation service in the shape of UKIAS and the Government fund free solicitors ' advice through the green form .
22 Scottish solicitors ' monopoly over conveyancing fees to be ended
23 SCOTTISH solicitors ' monopoly over charging fees for conveyancing is to be ended and their rights of audience extended to Scotland 's supreme courts , the High Court and Court of Session .
24 Its share of votes in social groups AB rose from 14 to 20 per cent on 1987 ; among the unemployed it actually did worse .
26 He almost immediately led a breakaway of members into a Scottish Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union at a wage of £pound2 a week and made common cause with Alderman " Tommy " Lewis , who had already led a similar breakaway in Southampton to form the British Seafarers ' Union with which Shinwell 's union merged .
27 Pattaya is approximately 2 hours ' drive from Bangkok on the Gulf of Siam .
28 It was a favourite prisoners ' jeer at the guards , though unfair in view of the relative safety of the prisoners ' position .
29 A few minutes ' drive from the NEC , M42 , M6 and Birmingham International Airport .
30 The excellent road system of the greater Belfast region means that Jordanstown is merely a few minutes ' drive from the capital , allowing students to take advantage of the social life and the living accommodation available in the city .
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