Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [pron] mean that " in BNC.

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1 Made from Scandinavian Redwood which has a distinctive warmth and grain , the Ducal range is made to very high standards which means that it looks good , works well and is designed to last .
2 What the customer 's always looking for is distributed heterogeneous systems which means that the software that they are investing in is an architecture which is portable .
3 Erm als other problems which arose from the outline land law was in its deliberate ambiguity er in its deliberate erm tt sort of ambiguity because it left reg it left the law to be interpreted by regional areas which meant that how that erm in some places they totally misinterpreted the law but the Communist Party had to have this flexibility because China was such a vast country and you could n't just impose one policy per se across the country .
4 Marx maintained that , with the possible exception of the societies of prehistory , all historical societies contain basic contradictions which means that they can not survive forever in their existing form .
5 So what I suggest you do is pay an additional three pounds which means that that is now covered for up to five thousand pounds regardless of it 's weight .
6 With domestic cats it means that , every so often , the old ‘ standby ’ diet suddenly becomes unattractive and a brief change is required .
7 With local , with in-house teams it means that we are protected from that ever happening , and I hope that our in-house teams will continue to go on and on from strength to strength , valuable resource to the county council .
8 Also provided , and not before time , are independent horizontal and vertical rules which means that keeping track of the number of lines of copy on a page is extremely easy , you simply set the vertical ruler scale to be the same as the leading .
9 To check the registration , look closely at the horizontal lines on the screen , preferably against a white background ; if they have red and green edges it means that the registration is out , and you 're more likely to develop eyestrain .
10 The shares will be non-voting ones which means that the workers will keep control .
11 According to Mr Billington , the proposed changes in the law would ‘ effectively eviscerate ’ the US copyright registration system and remove the statutory incentives which mean that the Library of Congress receives the free deposit copies to which it is entitled .
12 One is the children act one will be something on on on the preparation of food , another will be one affecting the way in which charities have to keep registered accounts er , financial accounts which means that an example erm is responsible for registering the accounts of congregations by law .
13 Nevertheless , the fact that the youth problem was being redefined in the early 1900s , led to the advocacy of new remedies which meant that the voluntary sector found itself regarded as only one part of the solution , rather than the whole solution .
14 If we mean business in looking after our elderly — and not just the elderly , as young and middle-aged people may be stroke victims or have other problems which mean that they need residential care — local authorities should be encouraged to build more places .
15 For those with special needs it meant that drafts were not something to be ashamed of .
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