Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] that they " in BNC.

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1 Some still retained private property as is evidenced by the fact that they met in private houses and that they would sell their assets if people were seen to be in need .
2 It should be added , though the authors do not mention this , that the highly solidaristic ideology of mining communities in the North-East of Britain may well be of great importance in sustaining these egalitarian working groups and that they may not be viable in other areas where a more individualistic ideology is adhered to .
3 We now realise that the great religions of the world are not monolithic institutions but that they all contain several spiritualities — many of which are found right across the board of the world religions — which reflect different attitudes of mind towards our ultimate end .
4 Certainly everyone involved in the building process finds that contracts play an increasing part in their daily lives and that they therefore have to take more interest in them .
5 On March 2nd 1872 , a letter came from the Mayor saying that the Corporation 's building would be ready in a few days and that they would be willing to receive patients under ‘ such arrangements as may be deemed best adapted to check the progress of the epidemic ’ .
6 They would have no direct control over such institutions except that they could pay them for particular services .
7 Is my hon. Friend aware of the problem that some mature students , particularly women with home commitments , have to take their degree courses in the form of part-time courses and that they are therefore not eligible for mandatory grant ?
8 In July , when Nationalists protested at the failure of the corporation to appoint Nationalists to committee chairs , the mayor pointed out that fifteen or sixteen years ago the Nationalists had said that they would refuse to take such chairs and that they would only take part in corporation affairs in order to disrupt them .
9 If you 're suggesting that the Manchester Evening News are proactively against the Liberal Democrats or that they would obstruct erm us in getting a fair crack of the whip , you may well be true , but I think we 've got that obstacle overcome , perhaps , in every stage .
10 Further to the European Community budget proposals , which were proposed unanimously by all the Commissioners , including the two British Commissioners , will my right hon. Friend also agree that extra resources long term will be needed for redundant farmers — — in east European countries , and for the cohesion fund , that there is no need for us to have the United Kingdom budget contribution undermined in any way by these proposals and that they are less in percentage terms annually than the last 10 years ' increase in the EC budget ?
11 In it he proposes the closure of at least one college at year that they reopen after three years and that they will not be allowed to employ anyone who 's previously taught at an Oxbridge university .
12 The two newslines were the fact that the band all possessed degrees or that they had chosen George Beat ( v. old footballer , as they would say ) .
13 Your mind became numbed to everything about human beings except that they pressed close around you all the time , that they slept above or below you , that you could never turn your head without seeing some evidence of their closeness — their clothes or their books or their photographs — that they made it impossible for you ever to be alone .
14 I do not claim any more for these criteria than that they raise at least the possibility of a belief being affirmable .
15 These I think are self-evident ; that you can make these measurements and that they are relevant to assessing the welfare of the animal .
16 There is no law on emotional damages , for instance , if it has never been decided by any statute or precedent or other procedure specified by convention either that people have a legal right to compensation for emotional damages or that they do not .
17 He found that survey respondents did not make unbiased predictions and that they did not efficiently exploit the information contained in past interest rate movements , and concludes that his results are ‘ mixed to unfavourable ’ to the hypothesis that expectations are rational .
18 Most of them are directed at girl readers , the assumption seeming to be either that boys have no adolescent problems or that they read only ‘ action ’ books .
19 The near 50-page document told prospective buyers that there were certain administrative problems but that they were being sorted out by a consultant .
20 The near 50-page document told prospective buyers that there were certain administrative problems but that they were being sorted out by a consultant .
21 The principal obstacle was Jackson ; as in Tokyo , Americans believed that Australian representatives were too radical in their political sympathies and that they worked against American policies .
22 Kovalenko cast doubts on the ASEAN proposal for a neutral zone since he imagined it ‘ wrong to think that the ASEAN countries have already managed fully to break away from the influence of the imperialist powers and that they are free to pursue their own foreign policy ’ .
23 It is not so much that the Conservatives have deliberately introduced racist policies as that they have ignored the harmful impact of their policies on ethnic minorities .
24 Experimental studies have also demonstrated that young babies can separate a continuous stream of speech sounds into discrete phonetic units and that they are sensitive to phonemic changes — for example , the difference between/p/ and/d/ — only a few weeks after birth ( Eimas et al .
25 Oh yes very much so and we 've been these er lots secretaries and presidents and all miners and that they 've been coming up you know and er you had a chat with them and they put us do n't let this happen , do n't let that happen , and make sure that erm you know people do n't suffer and er oh it 's been quite a vast experience for us yeah .
26 What is clear is that business managers are pulled in many directions and that they must and do make choices among alternative objectives ’ .
27 We had told the women beforehand that the questionnaire contained intimate questions and that they were not obliged to answer .
28 It was argued on behalf of the shareholders that the Directive was intended to protect all investors and that they would be prejudiced if they were not notified in advance of the intended cancellation of Titaghur 's public listing .
29 ‘ They said the conditions were the same for all teams and that they wanted to stay on and entertain the crowd ’ , said Sevens rules committee chairman Dave Crosbie .
30 But in the course of developing our case we have found no grounds upon which I could have validly chosen my present ends except that they are the ones to which I spontaneously tended when most aware ; on what grounds then could I persist in preferring these ends to a further advance in awareness which would undermine them ?
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