Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] give [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We run regular courses to train health and other professionals to run stop smoking groups and to give help and advice on a one-to-one basis to all smokers who want to stop , ’ said Dr Ramaiah .
2 The central idea of ethnomethodology is that the orderliness of social life is not the result of people obeying social norms or giving way to social pressures , but rather that orderliness is attained by all those involved working to achieve it .
3 Language in its significant sense is that vocal gesture which tends to arouse in the individual the attitude which it arouses in others , and it is this perfecting of the self by the gesture which mediates the social activities that gives rise to the process of taking the role of the other .
4 The " ideal " emperor for the princes and the great cities was one who granted territories and conferred rights and commercial privileges and gave protection .
5 Engineers often introduce into factories new electronic machinery not because it is better than the old methods but to give management the upper hand over the workers
6 It is now appropriate to consider the extension of the solution into the prior regions I , II and III which describe the approaching waves that give rise to this particular interaction .
7 These days Hannah keeps an engagement diary She is in constant demand to make public appearances and to give television and other media interviews .
8 Those who pass along it without divergence , however , remain unaware of the interesting features that give Ingleborough its unique distinction , hazards and difficulties also being avoided on the straightforward climb .
9 This would then be a useful time to engage in the brainstorming process to generate additional topics for individual investigations and give practice in applying the selection criteria .
10 Dennis Chow , one of the directors , said : ‘ We shall be visiting takeaways over the next six months and giving help where it is needed . ’
11 In excessively crude shorthand : there are light-coloured rocks that form themselves into sharp peaks and very explosive volcanoes ( Mount St Helens , Krakatoa ) on the outside of the Line ; while there are dark-coloured rocks that give rise to rounded hills from which flow copious amounts of benign lavas ( Mauna Loa ) within it .
12 The feature of human culture and human activities that gives rise to the representation problem is above all that human communities embody norms , and it is this notion that I shall principally discuss .
13 When Mr James Baker , the American Secretary of State , met opposition leaders in Tashkent in February , Mr Pulatov urged him to establish diplomatic relations to enable the United States to monitor human rights and give democracy a foothold .
14 It was these conditions that gave rise to the revolutionary movement or Alexander 's reign .
15 I will quote some specific figures that give credibility to amendment No. 7 .
16 I now turn to a consideration of some implications of the cognitive neuropsychology of face recognition for phenomenology — an approach to the mind and mental phenomena that gives prominence to introspectible ‘ phenomena ’ understood as acts of consciousness and their immediate objects .
17 On the one hand , the Conservatives offer more choice , emphasis on traditional three Rs teaching methods in primary schools and giving power to the parents .
18 Slowing down at all corners and giving way to pedestrians .
19 Mackenzie Walcott lamented ‘ it is almost inconceivable the waste that has mercilessly made havoc of the ancient Memorials that gave renown to Stamford ’ .
20 The information pack includes a free new booklet , ‘ Getting to Grips with Manual Handling ’ , which briefly describes the main legal requirements and gives guidance on when risk assessments are needed , on simple and cost-effective steps that might be taken to reduce risk and on handling techniques .
21 The data was held at the ESRC Data Archive , which , however , did not provide on-line access , although there was a national support post , whose holder ran courses , produced documentation , supplied data to regional centres and gave advice .
22 A vegetable rinse disguised any grey hairs and gave shine to her new style .
23 With Guidance on collection and evaluation of hazard information the CIA aims to help companies identify hazardous substances and give advice on sources of information , with key tasks listed on a ‘ dos and don'ts ’ section .
24 De Gaulle used the Interministerial Councils in order to inform himself more fully on important issues or to give momentum to policies that he favoured .
25 The removal of persistent residues that give rise to foaming or smells could be an expensive process because they may be from materials that have not been amenable to treatment .
26 Hence , molecular associations that give rise to large exothermicities are also associated with large adverse entropy changes , and the two effects work in a compensatory manner [ 6 ] .
27 The manufacturers of waste and soil fittings produce excellent catalogues with details of their various fittings and give advice and information on jointing methods and ways to design the system .
28 Saddened sympathisers offer condolence : that we are the victim of our own success — that it was Labour 's postwar achievements that gave rise to today 's affluent but now electorally ungrateful majority .
29 Food importers said supermarkets were stockpiling tinned supplies and gave warning that there would be shortages of pilchards and corned beef within a few weeks .
30 In the absence of anything so spectacular , the most impressive parts of the speech were those which declared how Germany had successfully surmounted the most severe test in the previous winter , and those indicating the exploitation of the material resources of the occupied territories and giving rise to hopes of improved foodstuff provisioning at home .
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