Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [prep] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Could people be made to change their durable possessions as if by the whims of fashion ?
2 Henceforth the Justices of the Forest were for the most part great barons , who often held extensive estates in or near the forests they administered .
3 It will be entering into contracts to both buy and sell specific currencies on or between specific dates .
4 It was claimed in 1721 that more than 7,000 journeymen had : … lately entered into a combination to raise their wages , and leave off working an hour sooner than they used to do ; and for the better carrying on their design , have subscribed their respective names in books … at the several houses of call or resort ( being public houses in and about London ) where they use ; and collect several considerable sums of money to defend any prosecutions against them .
5 One of the main tasks of the EC is to assimilate commercial activities in and between the twelve member states to commercial activities within a single state .
6 There are no recondite semantic entities over and above such similarities ; and if there are no entities , there is no identity either .
7 The Down 's Syndrome Association desperately need volunteers to give up a few hours before or after work on Thursday June 24 to help them collect donations at mainline stations .
8 Newcomers to night fishing are always surprised to find how cold it is at night , especially those few hours before and after dawn .
9 For a fraction the ball wavered in flight , Davies running a few paces as if in pursuit to help the ball on its way .
10 The more common response was a temporary lull in the onslaught of behavioural difficulties for a few months before and after adoption .
11 Feudal organizations provided historical precedents for and in some cases even the institutional forms for modern corporatism ( Maier , 1981 ; Kocka , 1981 ) .
12 This was also true when only old subjects with and without atrophy were compared : sham fed acid output : 5.4 ( 1.4 ) ; 9.4 ( 1.2 ) ; p<0.04 ; maximal acid output : 18.9 ( 4.0 ) ; 31.8 ( 3.35 ) ; p<0.02 ; peak acid output : 25.1 ( 5.3 ) ; 44.1 ( 5.0 ) ; p<0.02 .
13 Alternatively or additionally subjects may genuinely feel that there is greater subjective difference within the few films they have given high ratings to than within the many they have given lower ratings to and have been at least partially successful in avoiding what Poulton ( 1989 ) terms equal frequency biases .
14 But standards of teaching were good ; just how good is shown by the large number of South African dancers who won leading positions in British companies before and after the 1939 war .
15 I invariably use two rods , one to experiment with baits and methods , and to cast in different areas in and around the swim .
16 How , one is often asked , is the social worker to approach sexual matters of and with clients ?
17 He took a long time to answer the door and his painful movements towards and into his armchair explained why .
18 It has also been claimed that they acted as Rome 's representatives in areas devoid of large towns or cities , or military garrisons , but this hardly equates with the known distribution of most of the British-based officials in or near auxiliary forts .
19 I thank you for all your prayers and support over many years and look forward to these 2 years in and around the fellowship .
20 The sovereign state of the Vatican City includes the area around the Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome , Italy , and 12 buildings in and outside Rome .
21 Porosity within a sediment may be primary , a result of depositional voids between or within grains , or secondary , the result of dissolution , shrinkage or fracturing within the sub-surface ( Choquette & pray , 1970 ) .
22 Twenty mls of whole blood was also collected into empty vacutainers before and at the end of the one month trial period for analysis of serum vitamins , as an assessment of compliance to the supplementation .
23 The free booklet , published by the borough council , features details of more than 70 hotels , guest houses and self-catering centres in and around Darlington .
24 A follow up study on 22 patients before and at least one year after eradication of H pylori showed that the mean extent of gastric metaplasia did not change significantly after eradication and did not differ when compared wth 21 patients with persisting infection .
25 I begin by showing how different phases of that temporal process are associated with different spaces in and around the longhouse and end by showing that the very same " space-time " principles underlie the structure of the cosmos The anthropologist must regard the ancestral cosmos as an imaginary projection of present experience , but at the same time it is a projection which both controls present experience and forms an integral part of it .
26 He had set his heart on punching tickets and helping little old ladies on and off the bus , but he was spurned .
27 As Tallis watched her , so several prickly leaves dropped from her chest , and the creature touched the broken stems as if in pain .
28 Shevardnadze also agreed to allow regular and direct commercial flights to and from Israel .
29 Mr. Stern : Is my right Hon. Friend aware that there is a clear distinction between the proposed Seven barrage , which could severely affect all ports and port-related industries in and around the area , and other barrages such as the Cardiff bay barrage , which will have no such effect ?
30 The feeling of being in the centre of things , of constant activity , of being in charge not only of a vehicle but its VIP occupant — or occupants — and the different venues to and from which she transported them all over southern England , appealed enormously to her restless nature and craving for excitement .
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