Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] it in " in BNC.

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1 In Chile , in an address to the Congress , Bush stated that the country 's economic policies put it in the " forefront of the free-market movement now taking hold across Latin America " and that this made it a " prime candidate " for debt relief proposed under the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative .
2 The savings on operating costs alone were immense , some experts putting it in the order of £2 million a year .
3 Evaluation of the McClellan system is difficult because there have been so few opportunities to see it in operation .
4 It 's in books a few books have it in it .
5 But the ritual was nevertheless a way of protecting the devotional intimacy , whereas the non-liturgical denominations exposed it in a way he would have found offensive .
6 It took 2 years to put it in place but I 've had 26 birds on the place .
7 Selling needs public relations to assist it in its everyday operation and selling is often called upon to disseminate a public relations message .
8 However , whatever , the reason why I mention it , I do notice that Green Peace are thinking of , perhaps some members saw it in the press , did you , that Green Peace are making a formal complaint to the European Commission about switching from de-sulphurisation to importing low sulphur coal , and it may be something that we should focus in on as well .
9 And — in answer to the second question — the only reason that oxygen gas exists in such large amounts in the atmosphere today is that plants and some bacteria produce it in vast quantities through photosynthesis .
10 Some churches use it in communion services .
11 It 's just I mean as philosophy just very standardly takes words from ordinary language gradually gets a technical meaning , er which is different from the original meaning and then when ordinary speakers use it in the original meaning they get told off .
12 Contemporary reviewers welcomed it in terms such as these : ‘ A work of this description is truly a national work ’ ; ‘ A work of unprecedented compass , a work which is a library in itself , a work which … affords … a first introductory key to every kind of human knowledge ’ .
13 The Government could only be brought down if sufficient Conservatives were prepared to vote with Labour and Liberal MPs to defeat it in the House of Commons , forcing a new election or opening the way to a reconstituted anti-fascist National Government .
14 The open road was all he knew ; he had spent forty of his fifty-five years tramping it in every kind of weather with only the fill of his pipe for company .
15 I think you 've probably had enough actually , you get he 's , just have one , one little bit , put your finger in , and then we 're gon na put it in the , er three fingers put it in the wash
16 These positions have it in common that they express a view about how company law should regulate corporate power in the public interest : by introducing social welfare considerations as explicit decision-making criteria , or by excluding them and relying instead on the benign effects of the invisible hand , guided where necessary by external legal controls .
17 Linnaeus ' system of plants had a basis in arithmetic : he counted the male and female parts of the flower , and these figures placed it in its class .
18 It was another American gesture , though far fewer Americans do it in these cancer-conscious days .
19 The inductor L2 should not ‘ sing ’ , if it does you may need a fraction more tightness on the studding nuts holding it in place , but do this with extreme care .
20 The four elder nieces took it in turn each month to serve as housekeeper and keep the accounts .
21 To Selborne it was no more nor less than " robbing the church " and many Unionists saw it in such simple terms .
22 However , unless I want junk food from one of the many establishments purveying it in this thoroughly commercialised station , all I have available to sit on in the huge concourse is a grubby metal flip-up slat a few inches wide .
23 As a result , any attempt to explicate the theme of the sequence is bound to run into peculiar difficulties , although there have been various attempts to interpret it in Christian , symbolist or political terms .
24 He had had a distinguished war , being wounded once and decorated twice , and had spent the next five years recreating it in a series of patriotic British movies .
25 I can not promise a debate on it next week , but perhaps he will find his own opportunities to discuss it in greater detail .
26 He already knew the moves , having unsuccessfully spent 15 days working it in 1990 , only to be thwarted by bad weather — it was too hot !
27 Er , it 's very difficult , yes you all laughed when I asked a question last year from over there to get a capital P in Pearson because you all laughed it took twenty weeks to get it in The Times , do you remember ?
28 Well that 's interesting , because six women do the job in eight hours , and it would take eight women to do it in six hours .
29 This defence caused some difficulty for the Court of Appeal when two cases raised it in quick succession in the summer and autumn of 1988 .
30 But the fight did not prevent the fundamental beliefs in the nation and ‘ the historic integrity of the island of Ireland ’ , as nationalist parties described it in their New Ireland Forum ( 1983 — 4 : i. 28 ) , from remaining basic to the perceptions of both parties .
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