Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] these " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , Peters 's second and third questions also highlight the three main problems encountered with all land use work : first , the multiplicity of data sources shown in-Table 8.1 ; second , the different temporal and spatial units employed by these sources ; and third , and perhaps most important of all , the different classifications involved .
2 … [ He ] has never abandoned his aims for a Union of West African Soviet Socialist Republics and has not abandoned his foreign affiliations connected with these aims . ’
3 Small businesses and lock-up garages cling to these spaces like limpets in a cave .
4 The high rewards built into these positions provide the necessary inducement and generate the required motivation for such performance .
5 Two contrasting reasons exist for these importations .
6 Within 12h , intact thymic lobes reform from these mixtures ( see Fig.2 ) .
7 Wishart and Virden ( 1977 ) also suggest that in the twentieth century a fundamental opposition between ‘ literate ’ music styles ( from concert music to Tin Pan Alley songs ) and ‘ oral ’ styles ( quintessentially Afro-American musics , but also popular styles derived from these ) is associated with the opposition between those who dominate and control the social system and those who are its victims .
8 Few animals lived in these dark stagnant waters .
9 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
10 If , however , they were too pessimistic this should have been belied in the subsequent years since the Nigerian Indigenization Decree of 1972 , implemented from February 1974 , which reserved twenty-six activities in large-scale industry exclusively for Nigerian ownership ; foreign companies operating in these businesses had to sell out .
11 Staff shortages , combined with the patients ' helplessness and their invisibility from the general public ( few visitors come to these wards ) , make it easy for private toileting or modesty to be ignored and emotional lives denied .
12 This diversity and richness reflects the diversity of uses to which it is envisaged that electronic texts conforming to these Guidelines will be put .
13 Since capital is divided between different sectors ( monopoly , non-monopoly , productive , commercial , financial and merchant ) , and because the state itself is a complex ensemble of different agencies responding to these divisions and the class struggle , there is bound to be conflict of interest over state policy .
14 The County Council does not however believe there is a justifiable case for moving towards any of the different positions sought by these objectors .
15 But then when customers spend this £9 billion in shops and the shopkeepers deposit the cheques back in the banks , thereby crediting the banks ' Bank of England accounts again , the banks can make further loans based on these new deposits .
16 has some interesting comments to make about these two verses .
17 The evidence suggests that Britain paid the world price for raw materials bought from these countries .
18 In many ways the most interesting developments lie between these , particularly where 30 km/h zones have been equipped with speed-reducing infrastructure yet have retained some of the characteristics of separate rights of way for vehicles and pedestrians .
19 Given the environmental , economic and social constraints experienced by these young people in the community at large it is easy to understand why .
20 What social processes contribute to these trends and result in these appointments ?
21 The different expectancies generated by these cues can then , it is supposed , themselves serve as cues .
22 Some stoves come with these ready fitted .
23 British laws evolved from these principles as have the laws of other countries and these are the laws accepted for society .
24 The public park on Kampa Island consisted , until 1940 , of private gardens belonging to these palaces .
25 Information can flow freely between members , as a result of the personal contacts established within these groups .
26 For every 100 persons convicted of these serious crimes , 85 are male .
27 maintains that the actual sums collected by these agents were sometimes as much as ten times what the government received .
28 The official seals attached to these letters were protected by cases ; but these were decorated when the letter was being sent to one of the greater rulers and merely plain when a less important one was being addressed .
29 Medium shots come between these two extremes , and the length of their stay is generally decided by the action ; the shot is held for as long as something interesting is going on or being said .
30 However , it is from an understanding of some of the central issues embedded in these relationships that both schools and LEAs can reflect for the future .
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