Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh det] [be] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , as soon as I drive off the temperature gauge falls to cold and the fuel gauge reads about half what is in the tank .
2 738 What 's in a graphics file ?
3 So you 've got quite a lot of time Now , there 's some spare ones of these on the front as well When you get this scr scrub out item number eleven which is on the back because these are the notes that w went out for the social psychology exam And I would be you 'd be in a little bit of trouble if you revised wh influences of text ha b li had literature had on our lives , discuss three books , cos it ai n't gon na be on this paper
4 My interest in North Plains people in 1750 to 1850 which is about the same period for the you know cowboys goes back many years to my pre- writing days .
5 He advocated passive resistance to laws prohibiting Quaker worship , reasoning that mortal restraints on conscience were ineffective since force ‘ can reach no further than to that which is of the same nature with it ’ .
6 Mind or memory is that total creative capacity for consciousness , which also contains that which is below the level of immediate recognition — man 's full potential for knowledge , which is like God himself It is the theatre of human integrity which involves the other two faculties , " resoun " and " will " .
7 It should be emphasised that in India metaphysics , or that which is beyond the measurement , and therefore clarification of physics as a scientific discipline , is never merely abstract speculation but serves as a theoretical framework supporting a body of spiritual discipline .
8 It is crucial to make a clear distinction between the type of misappropriation involved in Winans and that which was at the centre of both the Newman and Materia cases .
9 And no doubt a sensible formula would have been devised in order to tell the jury that which was in the circumstances agreed to be appropriate .
10 Erm at point six which is in the centre of Harrogate , again you 'll see there was virtually er no change in five hundred vehicles a day in twenty one thousand .
11 Well the fact that we had certainly at point six which is in the centre of the urban area which is where we clearly we 're mainly concerned about is where most of the accidents for example are happening .
12 I am attempting to make explicit what is for the participants a shared and implicit agreement on the structure within which the practice is taking place .
13 Courses are for a minimum of 2 weeks with the exception of Executive Course IV which is for a minimum of 1 week .
14 As we have defined it , the category of semantic indicator overlaps with that of semantic tally , impure tallies being those which are at the same time indicators ( full or partial ) ; it includes that of semantic categoriser — a categoriser is necessarily a full indicator .
15 The issues addressed are those which are to the fore in the care and education of couples during pregnancy , childbirth and the neonatal period .
16 This was achieved by examining brooches which are pairs , those not paired but which are very similar and those which are of a different design but which share the same characteristics .
17 Moreover , there are difficulties in knowing how to relate different sorts of probabilities such as those which concern the degree of credit to be given to a judgement and those which are of a statistical nature .
18 Consequently , more time can be spent by the clearinghouse personnel on the sophisticated and time-consuming enquiries which require information and material that has not been or can not be conveniently added to the database , an those which are of an advisory nature .
19 From this we can see that the only pieces that can be affected by the commutator [ F , R ] are those which are in the overlap or are moved into the overlap by F or R .
20 Institutions within the UK financial sector are classified as ( a ) those which are within the monetary sector as defined by the Banking Acts of 1979 and 1987 , and ( b ) other financial institutions , such as pension funds , investment and unit trusts , and insurance companies .
21 The earlier distinction between those matters which fell within ministerial or local authority discretion and those which were within the competence of the courts to adjudicate became increasingly blurred .
22 On the whole , however , it is submitted that a judicial is preferable to a statutory re-definition , because the existing law , although imprecise , is founded on the right principle , that continuance in perpetuity and exemption from tax should be allowed to those purposes and those alone which are for the benefit of the public .
23 I think you might like more what 's round the other side .
24 Divide three hundred and sixty five which is about the time that the earth the sun by
25 Can I can I say that in my opinion that the county council 's current budgeting strategy which effectively imposes a two percent efficiency saving which I might add in figures come to something like one point five million erm is , is of concern but what is of greater concern is the further possibility of a four percent er reduction which is being sought in blocks of three percent and one percent next year for ninety four ninety five which is to the amount of two point eight million at the current prices will in my opinion decimate the present level of service provision in policing .
26 I had the right card , it was the card number five which was for the hot wash as , hot wax as well .
27 Well hang on do n't get rid of that what 's on the screen .
28 The belief he gets will be true , because he will have been caused to get it by the very fact ( that what 's in the pot is honey ) which makes it true .
29 The implication of the study was that assisted areas are not of themselves ‘ uneconomic places ’ ; the rate of closure in assisted areas was higher simply because they had attracted investment in expanding products in the 1960s which were at the stage of losing markets twenty years later .
30 I recorded one , the one which was on Two which was about a lawyer falling in love with the accused .
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