Example sentences of "[adj] [that] she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no evidence of her having a psychiatric disorder , although it was clear that she had become somewhat withdrawn and had lost confidence in herself since the break-up of her relationship with her boyfriend .
2 It was clear that she had picked up a lot from the Prince 's own style , especially the self-deprecating wit .
3 Other speakers followed , but it soon became clear that she had spoken for ail present .
4 We are all very saddened that she has died .
5 Giles 's motive in telling her of his expectations was so transparent that she had lost interest in him .
6 It is doubtful that she has transformed the role of the Prime Minister in British politics .
7 ‘ Of course it 's lovely having tea , ’ said Ianthe , afraid that she had sounded ungracious .
8 It was as if he were gazing into heaven , and Agatha was n't so old that she 'd forgotten what that felt like .
9 Because the queues at the sandwich bar had been so horrendous that she had decided to go without lunch and now she was feeling disconnected and light-headed .
10 Donna saw it in the rear-view mirror , convinced and elated that she 'd done it crippling damage .
11 These words are well past her point of failure in the Schonell Test ( that is , ten consecutive errors ) , and so it is possible that she had reached a level of frustration : feeling that all the words were too difficult she ceased to think carefully about whether what she was writing down was likely , and simply put down anything that came to mind .
12 Was it possible that she had tried to bribe the undertaker with her body ?
13 Was it possible that she had allowed Harry to make love to her ?
14 Luke 's voice was so low that she had to strain to hear it above the noisy chatter of the birds , the rustle of the breeze in the trees .
15 She was only sorry that she had demonstrated exactly how vulnerable she was to him .
16 He said that he was not sorry that she had left .
17 Er , she is sorry , she 's sorry that she 's committed er she committed the offence .
18 Mary is very sorry that she has to put off coming to dinner tonight They are not sure about getting a baby-sitter .
19 His memory of her had been indistinct , a little French woman speaking only in soft whispers , so frail and quiet and hesitant that she had seemed almost transparent beside Cara , hardly there at all .
20 It left her so weak that she had to put a hand out to the table before she could sit down .
21 Above all , she felt guilty that she had persuaded Bill , who looked as happy as a man with a toothache , to make an appearance .
22 She is a bit upset that she has had to wait almost a year before receiving any income .
23 Her mum Pat , 48 , said : ‘ Vicky has been so upset that she has had two epileptic fits since Penny disappeared .
24 Unaware that she had called him by name for the first time , she halted , still some feet away , gazing at him uncertainly .
25 ‘ For the sake of the few unfrazzled nerve-endings I have left , I sincerely hope not , Mr Jacobsen , ’ she returned coolly , completely unaware that she 'd crossed her fingers behind her back in the old childhood gesture of protection against telling a lie .
26 Rainbow , unaware that she has succeeded in reviving an old Babylonian technique for the conjuration of spirits , blinks at something which is certainly not her own reflection .
27 It was so hot outside that she had settled for an orange cheesecloth caftan , which she 'd jacked in with a belt of linked gold hippos .
28 She was so relieved that she had saved him .
29 Many was the time when Harriet thanked the Almighty that she had elicited the help of the Raffertys that February day in 1945 .
30 I began to dislike her ; she looked sly and I felt indignant that she 'd spoken to me like that .
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