Example sentences of "[adj] [that] [subord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now we 're fortunate with with this that if I turn it on it 's very quiet but if any of you had and I 'm sure Jeff you 've probably seen it where you get some older machines and the fan in there rattles like mad and there 's nothing worse than having that thing rattling all all the day .
2 Let me make clear that when I say the conference of 1923 , and that night in particular , constituted a turning point in my professional development , I am speaking very much in terms of my own more humble standards .
3 I 'm afraid that when I dropped out of sight it created a great deal of concern in the village .
4 Write down ‘ I really want … , but I 'm afraid that if I get it … ’
5 On the other hand I was afraid that if I made the driver sound too important he might end up under the wheel of a bus instead of behind one .
6 ‘ I 'm afraid that if I go grey , ’ one of my friends said , ‘ men wo n't try to chat me up on planes . ’
7 However , when she wrote down ‘ I 'm afraid that if I find a man who loves me … , one evening , she was amazed to find words spilling out on to the paper .
8 It is interesting that since I have been the Minister responsible for regional policy , regional spending has increased from £506 million in 1990 to £534 million in 1991-92 .
9 Your Royal Highness , it is , it is , it is interesting that when I attended the Annual General Meeting last year of the Boats Organization , the fact that I said that yachtsmen was a Con Conservation Body as well surprised them and since that time we have having collaboration with them er more and more and this is to be welcomed because we all want to sail in nice surroundings .
10 Well , it 's , it 's simple that if I got up at half past six , and took him up a cup of tea at quarter too seven , and when he was around at seven o'clock , I was grilling bacon and I was frying eggs , and I hope , I do n't know whether perhaps it 's my cold , but , I , I just used to feel terribly unwell after he 'd gone , for about two hours and my legs were so wobbly , I was sitting down on the sofa , I may go back yet to cooking him breakfast if I feel like it , but , the , I mean if I can say to these chaps that , there are times when I do n't feel like doing things , well , I reckon Dave that they are so glad to be in that house with the central heating , with the twenty four hour er , er a day water , and the comfort , there not going to argue .
11 I know total-total that if I had my own bike , the Wheels-and-brakes Boys would n't treat me like that .
12 When , towards the end , he said , ‘ I am convinced that where I have failed no one could have succeeded , ’ this appeared not a boast , but an understatement .
13 Incidentally I was glad that although I did n't feel one hundred percent I was glad that I wandered round Liberties .
14 I 'm glad that since I lost weight , they 're hardly noticeable .
15 They had handcuffs on me and I 've still got marks on my hands — you can see — where the handcuffs were put on so tight that when I got to the station they could n't get them off me .
16 I 'm sure that if I 'd had this excellent book when learning to windsurf my progress would have been much faster .
17 Mary says now : ‘ Accessing my past lives has been of great benefit and I 'm sure that if I 'd gone to an ordinary therapist , nothing would have been sorted out . ’
18 I think that 's what I think , but I 'm not sure that if I 'd been born here I 'd be pleased to see me walking down the lane .
19 I am sure that if I had been his secretary for a fortnight I should have wanted to poison him , not marry him … yes , I should have run round to the chemist 's for threepennyworth of poison after a very short time .
20 The Reds were well on top and I am sure that if I had lasted the game I would have given the selectors something to think about .
21 This seems strange to me now because I feel sure that if I had been presented with the image of the glass coffin when I was well into the depressive phase of anorexia , I should have recognised it instantly .
22 He added : ‘ I am sure that if I had my time again there would be many things I would do differently ’ , but went on : ‘ Criticism is part of the price of leadership . ’
23 I 'm sure that when I came out of the room I was staggering , and instinctively I pawed at my mouth .
24 I am confident that when I recommend a constituent to see UKIAS he or she will be dealt with in an entirely independent and completely honourable and decent manner .
25 I got all that because I worked so hard at school .
26 All that till I lived with her and saw through her .
27 It was extremely difficult for me to write down one good characteristic about myself , let alone ten , and it was quite evident that whereas I saw myself as perpetually black , I saw my wife , Joyce as shining white and a lot of other people in the same colour .
28 ‘ I said it was terrible , to ruin one of Lehar 's most wonderful love songs like that , and Ingrid , he made it quite plain that if I did n't fall in with Therese 's wishes — exactly — I would be thrown out of the company . ’
29 Also , the boat was so small that when I rowed , the waves came over the sides of the boat .
30 Therefore , it was not surprising that when I intervened on the hon. Member for Newham , North-East he was a little coy about referring to his party 's record on unemployment .
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