Example sentences of "[adj] [adv prt] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I I 'm definitely going to I picked this up from the information places .
2 This year , the second on from the Festival is still proving to be a bumper one for individual membership ; we are now well in to the 900 's and it would give great satisfaction and joy to all if the magic figures ‘ 1000 ’ could appear in the membership book lovingly kept by the Treasurer and Secretary .
3 Despite being 6-1 up from the home leg , boss Graeme Souness is demanding his players treat this European Cup Winners ' Cup clash with Apollon Limassol as anything but a dead game .
4 They take the arms straight back from the ball with the clubface closed or hooded .
5 In addition rituals and procedures are laid down for those who have for a variety of reasons become ‘ unclean ’ , and so have become cut off from the rest of the community .
6 become cut off from the world of work … .
7 I picked that up from the look on your face .
8 I 've drawn that up from the information I was given , I do n't know whether could you pass that on
9 In a Post Office you have to , you see , unless I 'm misunderstanding it really , you have to well I might as well , if I go and get it all out from the bank .
10 I 'm quite well out from the ladder because it s at an angle and there in front of me is the wardrobe .
11 And this epistle is all about from the beginning the eternal .
12 Other MPs , however , paid warm tribute to Mr Kinnock 's achievement in bringing Labour back from the point of near-extinction .
13 Rizla , fetch twelve down from the back of the van …
14 ‘ When one 's first married , ’ he says , ‘ when one 's first down from the university , one keeps striking attitudes .
15 Warming up by straight-driving Rajesh Chauhan for four , he then took 12 from one over from the off-spinner — an off-drive , a full-blooded swing over midwicket and a dismissive pull as the bowler wilted under the assault .
16 Outside he could hear the coach bringing Class 1 back from the Museum .
17 From the camera 's vantage point , twenty li out from the spaceship , it was hard to tell its scale .
18 Soon after I arrived , with the parish church nearly full ( it seats about 250 ) , Hartmut took a team of twelve out from the church to form a new congregation in a disused Brethren hall given to us free of charge .
19 He took the first four out from the quay and dropped them off , after having had trouble starting the boat .
20 To wire an ivy leaf , push half a length of wire through the back of the central vein , one third down from the point of the leaf .
21 we are , we are referring to promise number thirteen in order to say you can on the thirteen , it 's the second page , third up from the bottom , we promise to repair potholes that are considered dangerous in the most important roads within twenty four hours of application .
22 Spurs , 3–1 up from the first-leg at White Hart Lane when Gary Lineker scored twice and Durie once , fly out to Portugal today .
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