Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] been [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are greater additions to expenditure than that , but there , that has been in part off-set by er , a greater er er receipt from other authorities in relating to er policemen transferring to Lincolnshire .
2 The disputes procedure , that has been in place for some time , and enables us to resolve disputes locally , if they can not be resolved locally , then they are referred up through the management systems .
3 Although the total retail trading area is unchanged at the period end there are in fact two different underlying elements new footage has been laid down in France but this has been off set by a net reduction in the retail trading area in the U K. The sales per square foot which excludes retail sales and is based on the waiting average trading area shows an increase of seven point two percent A low margin of fifty five point six per cent was down from fifty eight point five per cent in the same period last this , this was mainly due to a drop in in-house manufacturing participation and adverse exchange rates .
4 This has been in part because the universities have a perfectly general responsibility for disseminating among schools up-to-date advances in knowledge and theoretical changes within disciplines , but also , more specifically , through the Local Examination Boards they have been in a position to determine the syllabuses for public examinations , and so to a large extent to dictate a curriculum even for those pupils at school who may never themselves enter the door of a university .
5 This has been in existence in an annual version since early 1978 , and was first used for UK forecasting in March 1980 , and has recently had an aggregate ‘ supply-side ’ added ( this determining the equilibrium values of output , unemployment and relative prices ) .
6 This has been in use in the works office for some time , it was , it used to be called an aide-memoire .
7 Whether this has been in Bangladesh or Bradford or East London , the teacher must learn to accept the children as they are as the starting point of her teaching .
8 But the central function over most of the period since 1979 has been as apologist , a role which few politicians relish .
9 I hope that 4771 Green Arrow is allowed to go to the Great Central at Loughborough , because at the end of August 1992 , it is 30 years that 4771 has been in preservation , and one of her last runs with British Railway 's , was on the Great Central .
10 The ‘ Rochester ’ method of fingerspelling with speech and lip-reading has been in use in the USA for over a hundred years ( Savage , Evans and Savage , 1981 ) .
11 For years one of the most egregious has been in broadcasting , where a succession of governments allowed Televisa , with four TV channels , to swallow 95% of the viewing audience and 80% of television ad-spending , which totalled $1 billion last year .
12 The Council 's power to issue policy recommendations under stage two has been in existence since the convergence decision in 1974 .
13 Second , the lion 's share of increased welfare spending since the 1960s has been on programmes most people approve of : social security ( pensions ) financed by tax on earnings , and medical insurance for old people ( Medicare ) .
14 The wheel was in commercial use until 1926 , and since the 19605 has been in operation as a tourist attraction , maintained by the Manx Government .
15 That 's been for sale for some time , long as I can remember practic just imagine you 'd be in the catchment area for would n't that be fun , there 's Jason .
16 On 7 May the applicant was admitted to bail , and so far as we are aware has been at liberty ever since , although it appears that he has appeared on a number of occasions at the Guildhall Magistrates ' Court , to what effect we do not know .
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