Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But he is the first to admit that the thought of SummerSlam ‘ 92 has set his knees a-trembling .
2 That has made their tours very long and everyone needs enormous stamina and commitment .
3 That has made my hands dexterous , and I 've never lost the ability .
4 That has limited his appearances in top championships , which a world-beater needs in the final sharpening up process .
5 It has , by pushing back the boundaries of human knowledge , given us much that has enriched our lives .
6 This involves changing its policies — rejecting government intervention , accepting the operations of a market economy , but paying attention to those whom free markets fail .
7 She explains this by pointing out that young Clonard men have been hard hit by unemployment , and this has weakened their networks .
8 The EC 's subsidies mean farmers can set their prices at a level lower than that of unsubsidised US producers and the US estimates this has cost its farmers $1 billion in lost sales .
9 This has confirmed my Suspicions that builders are inefficient the world over .
10 Scudamore said : ‘ This has paid us dividends for our gamble in running him in a big handicap for the first time .
11 This has had its effects on tourism and many Welsh attractions are having a very lean time .
12 This has had its drawbacks , but also one undoubted benefit : when economies slow , tax receipts fall and public spending rises , automatically moderating the downturn .
13 This means retracing my steps for a mile or so , but the country is wild and beautiful , full of new things to see .
14 This means assessing their likes and dislikes by means of preference tests where they can simply choose between different options , or ‘ operant conditioning ’ tests where they have to perform some task such as pecking a button to get access to ( or to exit from ) a particular environment .
15 Patients poorly controlled in clinic are referred to the Unit as outpatients and only if this fails to resolve their problems is a short admission considered .
16 But because each refuses to acknowledge its neighbours , the net effect in terms of the streetscape is less than zero .
17 She had needed forty-two takes to get her lines right in one scene of Some Like It Hot .
18 The MDC has had its successes ( Wray , 1987 ; National Audit Office , 1988b ) .
19 Slaley Hall , in Northumberland , also had to call in the receivers , development of a new complex at Loch Lomond has also halted while East Sussex National has had its problems .
20 The Hannover Fair 's CeBit ‘ 93 has picked its dates : March 24–31 of next year .
21 Hongkong Telecom Ltd has put its plans to transfer operator assistance services to the Chinese mainland on hold : the company said last week that talks with the Chinese authorities had stalled — no doubt more frosty fallout from Governor Patten 's belated recognition that Britain owes Hong Kong democracy .
22 Seoul , South Korea-based Samsung Electronics Ltd has changed its plans for Hewlett-Packard Co 's Precision Architecture RISC and now says it will be working solely on superscalar versions of the chip , Electronic Engineering Times claims .
23 We intend to allow school sixth forms to open their doors if they wish to older students , and to accept training credits or fees from them .
24 When they are engaged in this ‘ bonding ’ act , that helps to cement their friendships , their necks twist towards one another and this causes vertical folds or furrows to be formed in their flesh .
25 But if the labour movement is to take advantage of this Thatcher initiative , it first has to rediscover its roots .
26 He believes in putting the customer first and that moans meeting their needs before his own .
27 They may be pretty , but they 're a pain to change if something drastic happens to upset your schedules .
28 Refrain from finalising important transactions until after Mercury turns to direct motion on the 18th , even though what is offered or suggested around the 4th and 11th appears to fulfil your requirements .
29 But if many of the theories with which the novel grapples have their roots in or near the work of Lacan , Lacan 's text does not escape the double move of appropriation and subversion which characterizes the feminist enterprise .
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