Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] [prep] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What that refers to is that we do have a contract with the fire service college and we are satisfied with the resources we are committing to training at the moment and should any more be necessary at any time we will bring that back to members .
2 What this amounts to is that on theoretical grounds one excludes certain possibilities and hence excludes the possibility of an observationally equivalent model .
3 Erm so I do n't think that one 's achievable erm I think what this amounts to is that erm there are two cuts that we do n't agree with er there 's a vast on reserves we do n't agree with but we managed to put forward a thousand pounds for education at the same time erm i this does strike me as a budget of a party which it knows has no prospect of any sort of responsibility in this council for a long time to come .
4 The reason for this seems to be that the opportunity cost of keeping boys at school when they could go out to work is greater than for girls , especially for poor rural families .
5 This seems to be because of the small size of the owl in relation to its prey , so that it can not swallow the prey whole but tears it up as do the diurnal raptors ( see Appendix for details of little owl biology ) .
6 This seems to be because temple , villa and tomb sites have been plundered — mainly in antiquity — rather than because of any original dearth .
7 This seems to be because owning the floors one cleans promises such a harmonious alliance between the worker and her work that dissatisfaction is ( in theory ) ruled out .
8 The moral of the Punchline cartoon in NI 174 seems to be that bibles should not be offered to anyone who is short of basic necessities .
9 The reason for this appears to be that the territories occupied by red-winged blackbirds in these marshes vary enormously in their quality , specifically in the amount of food they contain .
10 This appears to be because institutional shareholders who account for the great majority of shareholdings on The Stock Exchange see themselves as managing a portfolio for which they buy and sell .
11 This appears to be as would be predicted from the Baddeley quotation — where the subject is performing an important task arousal causes attention to be focused more centrally on it , improving performance .
12 With the National Youth Orchestra conducted at Glasgow 's Royal Concert Hall by Christopher Seaman , this promises to be as sparkling an occasion as ever .
13 233 seems to be that if a wife signs a security document at her debtor husband 's request , the creditor will be unable to enforce the security unless either the debtor or the creditor has taken positive steps to try and ensure that the wife understands the import of the security documents or unless she has obtained independent advice .
14 There are formal procedures for deciding how large a difference in the ds needs to be before we decide to take the interaction seriously , but these are beyond the scope of this book .
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