Example sentences of "[adj] [is] [adj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once your classroom and cockpit introduction to the TBM 700 is complete you find yourself studying two different aircraft .
2 Oh , this is boring what do we normally do ?
3 Er this is alright we 've done it informally in the past , you know I 've talked to many clients some of which I handle some of which I do n't and always the question is er are we giving erm a service that we can improve on , if you look dealing with er are there any points you 'd like to raise with me , all these sort of questions but it 's all very unstructured er and sometimes it 's er er results in us having an action plan emerging , sometimes not .
4 I notice we have a chart on the back of the door here as well a circle measured off in angles and er this is lovely it 's got Venus
5 Er this is lovely you doing all the
6 Minor conflicts occur with the couple trying to pacify her , this continues up to a black moment when the house relents and saves them and then I say and this is important I think when you write for a radio , I have marked one paragraph with red brackets .
7 Where this is high it suggests that an additional sampling station might be set up .
8 This is unlikely I admit , but , should it happen , virtually nothing in the Known World could withstand it .
9 Where this is concerned she seems positively ruthless .
10 ‘ Farmer Giles was backing his luck ’ , as people often do ; and it is common knowledge that while this is irrational it works much more often than mere ‘ chance ’ would dictate .
11 This is sound we hear with ears tuned by a billion years of evolution .
12 And this is true whatever becomes of the idea for Scottish independence .
13 If this is true she has n't been near the place — at least , not since Bill and I have been here . ’
14 This is true you know .
15 I put this on the agenda erm the phrase at the moment seems to be flagging things up and my concern is opposite Dave is the but as everybody I 'm sure is aware we 've got erm divisional A L O's based within as Crime Prevention Officers , the main concern for my particular area is Bill although based at has actually for the last three years built up a good working relationship and inspected staff from and .
16 The play acting , those accents , the changes of mood — all is intentional I think . ’
17 I I do second it because if all aspects I actually supported , that is to say I support that the the first part of the of the amendment which is the motion from the policy and resources committee as well as the bit that has been er added on erm as far as the latter is concerned I support it , largely for the reason that Mr has explained .
18 And certainly you know I mean Yona 's list now of support for this next rally we 've got on March the first is huge I mean it 's sort of and that 's not gon na go away is it you know I mean next year I do n't know what we 're gon na be up to but hopefully we 'll be supporting somebody else in their er struggle for fair play and that network will obviously come into play you know I mean I 've we 've been South Wales have said , Oh you know these are all our contacts you know some of the women in South Wales and in Deeside they 've said these are all our contacts and these are the people that were good and did the work and got the leaflets out and brought the money in you know and it 's as simple as that really you know .
19 As far as the former is concerned we decide to find out where the electron is by shining a beam of light onto it and taking a look through a microscope .
20 In spite of this , nothing vital is broken I hope .
21 And so she looked up , she said , that is right she said , alright , and er he prescribed some more water pills .
22 When I went to what was in effect not merely the memorial of the fifty aft after fifty two years of the people , but of course really the funeral service of the pit and when I went to that here was the chance to dedicate that also , we did it actually at the Memorial Garden where all the pit people are buried and that is right you see , picking up out of the past not sticking in the past , and arranging it as you might say as in that banner to move on into the future .
23 If the goods are described to you as seconds , shopsoiled , slightly imperfect , if any phrase like that is used I think your own commonsense should tell you there 's something wrong with these goods and that presumably is the reason why they 're reduced in price .
24 Course outline I think we 're all agreed , should be at the top er , that is important we 've now agreed a heading and comment we 've got a e enough agreement that says that , it will be just called comment , but guidelines will need to be produced to go to staff erm
25 ‘ Oh , but that is natural you know and she was very upset .
26 On the other hand there 's a part of me that rejoices , that is glad he paid the way he did , that for once the world worked the way it 's supposed to , punishing the wrongdoer … and that saddens and sickens me too , because I think that this must be the way Andy feels all the time .
27 That 's right they had to go on a rota .
28 Oh that 's right they 've got , at the Cricketfield Lane erm car park there 's a where , you know where the bottle bank is on the
29 That 's right they 'd
30 Yeah that 's right they do .
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