Example sentences of "[adj] [is] only a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As we have noted , the South Pole lies about midway between Achernar and the Southern Cross , but this is only a rough guide , and the nearest brightish star to the polar point , Beta Hydri , is some distance away .
2 I got to the printers with my Boy George piece and it was finally time to say , ‘ Look , this is only a thousand words long and I still have n't got to the interview .
3 While the Carrion 's behaviour may appear to be significant — and the players will try hard to convince themselves that this is the case — this is only a spoiling attack to draw the adventurers ' attention to the Castle .
4 This is only a general rule .
5 Obviously this is only a general rule : in particular , where the goods are complicated , or where the normal course of dealing would so indicate , it may be relatively easy to establish that the parties did not intend their agreement to become binding until other details were finalised ; this issue is examined further in Chapter 4 , 6 below .
6 whether this is only a temporary down-turn which may in the end not necessitate redundancies on the scale now envisaged ;
7 In either case the patient should be reassured that this is only a temporary measure .
8 This is only a temporary solution and there have been many attempts to organise more humane working systems .
9 Mr Costain explained : ‘ We have told the council this is only a temporary measure until we get an extension built at the club and strengthen the roofing .
10 In other words , although social scientists certainly want to make sure that the information that they are gathering is accurate , this is only a necessary — not a sufficient — goal .
11 We do n't have any choice about that because this is only a single-engined job , so we 're not allowed to fly over built-up areas .
12 This is only a restricted definition of lefthandedness .
13 There is every reason for more unmarried mothers receiving maintenance from the fathers of their children ; but this is only a small part of the problem .
14 We know that this is only a small proportion of the people who are unemployed in this area but we hope we have made their Christmas a little bit more enjoyable .
15 This is only a small point , the Fun School 4 products have enough going for them to be recommended and are certainly good value for money — BUT to continue to compete with other quality software that is now appearing , this lack of consistency will need to be addressed .
16 I 'm surprised they sent it by courier , he said he was going to drop them in , mind , there 's another one , a big one to come , this is only a small one .
17 Perhaps this is only a witty pleasantry ; it may also be the delight this woman takes in her young friend 's success .
18 This is only a two dimensional one though .
19 But this is only a first step to scientific study , and two questions naturally follow : having found D what use is it ?
20 It should be emphasised that this is only a tentative illustration .
21 There is a suggestion that the growth-controlling auxin gravitates to the bottom of the bough and this produces more wood on the compression face , but to me , this is only a partial answer .
22 Lower capacity utilization was also important for explaining the fall in the profit rate in the United States , though this is only a partial explanation .
23 Then , as long as this is only a mental exercise , try moving the concocted cliff atop an apartment building .
24 They 're only pigs , this is only a British abattoir , and they 're only on their way to the supermarket .
25 It seems a pity that the gun does not come with a reflector nozzle ( to work near window panes without cracking the glass , for example ) , but this is only a minor point .
26 This is only a minor reservation .
27 Normally this is only a minor irritation ( unless the controller suffers from migraine ) , and a few seconds later another transmission sorts the whole thing out .
28 Drill will , at best , produce learning and as we have seen , this is only a short term cure .
29 5 million children in lone-parent households but this is only a single snapshot count and the number of children currently estimated to be in step-families ( between 1 and 1 .
30 He achieves this by taking a central pillar in this tradition , Kant 's concept of the aesthetic as distanced contemplation which transcends the immediacy of experience , and demonstrating that this is only a single perspective , that of the dominant class .
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