Example sentences of "[adj] [is] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In short , those who propose a deprivation weighting must decide whether this is to be additional to or a substitute for mortality .
2 We must , therefore , use such instances empirically to help to establish what the internal linguistic norms of the community actually are , and to do this is to be accountable to the data in quite a strong sense .
3 The answer to this is to be patient and realize that you are changing the habits of a lifetime .
4 The Inland Revenue will place a value on the future worth of an earnout agreement and , where this is to be satisfied in cash , capital gains tax may again become payable before the earnout payment is received .
5 To imagine this is to be aware that the aggressive term which I have applied to Amis 's novelistic method , ‘ ventriloquism ’ , has the drawback of suggesting that when an author throws his voice , the character who receives it will necessarily be found to be inanimate , a dummy .
6 Now the purpose of therefore of this training course and any any training course is to do this is to be able to handle the arousal and increase your level of performance and even get the peak to move that way so for any level of arousal you 're getting better performance but you 're also able to handle a bit more butterflies a bit more of the nerves in order to perform effectively , and apart from a training course like this how do you achieve that ?
7 To be old is to be wrinkled and crabbit and heading for Parkinson 's or Alzheimer 's disease .
8 To be old is to be unhealthy .
9 Estes and Binney ( 1988 , p. 69 ) describe the image of older people in America as ‘ to be old is to be frail , sick , dependent and vulnerable ’ .
10 Talcott Parsons has proposed the very influential theory that of all other available institutions it is the classroom that above all converts an incomplete person into a member of the kind of society Parsons takes for granted as natural , that is , a kind of society where to be social is to be interested in achievement .
11 But I would place a somewhat different emphasis , and suggest that in the Chewong case fear is a positive emotion and encouraged in children because to be fearful is to be human , while the arousal of other inner states is negatively valued and discouraged — as manifest in the various rules that forbid them ( see Howell 1981 ) .
12 When the winding is to be excited both transistors ( are switched on , so the voltage applied to the phase winding is equal to the sun , of the two supply voltages ( VL + VH ) , the diode D2 being reverse-biased by VH.There is no series resistance to limit the current , which therefore starts to rise towards a value which is many times the rated winding current .
13 The second is to be prepared to try to meet the objections of those affected by alternative arrangements .
14 The only authentic way to be good is to be good ‘ for nothing ’ : that was to become the ringing insistence of her finest treatise , The Sovereignty of Good ( 1970 ) .
15 Both behaviourism and ‘ humanistic ’ views would have us believe that to be affective is to be effective in setting up conditions for learning .
16 What is important is to be aware of the normal condition of your fish to as to detect any problem immediately , and to check , and if necessary remedy water quality as soon as any trouble is spotted .
17 The first essential is to be light on your feet , because your unweighting keeps the skis floating .
18 Here the difficulty I found in talking about psychoanalytic criticism is compounded , not because I am an unbeliever , but because anything that the middle-aged male commentator says about feminism is liable to be wrong : to be approving may be condemned as patronizing , and to be critical is to be sexist .
19 For many fans the wearing of Dr Marten boots , and other ‘ hard ’ gear , is likely to have that role , that is to be symbolic rather than instrumental .
20 Not to know that is to be ignorant of the whole point of the affirmation .
21 The only way to bring figures like this alive is to be crude and personalize them .
22 That 's to be expected is n't it ?
23 To be free in private is to be able to watch pornography or to preach the gospel .
24 It is commonplace to be second best , but to be best is to be unique
25 I tell you , after a long life of many escapes , many dramas which might have been tragedies , what I want and would value most is to be free to choose as much of my life as is given to me — to live it by my own lights , Mary , to do , insofar as God wills it , what I want to do to the very hilt and limit . ’
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