Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Harold Wilson probably underwent the most disagreeable experience of any Prime Minister in that it was regarded as respectable political tactics to traduce him on any grounds other than political .
2 But again the government retained extensive administrative powers to give it a free hand in dealing with radical writers and journalists .
3 Likewise , our earlier analysis of the roots of Whiggery make it possible to appreciate why a Court Whig position developed after the Glorious Revolution ; there always existed such a potential for such a development , but it required the right political circumstances to enable it to come to fruition .
4 But we can be sure of one thing : before the end of the century we will see the telephone metamorphose into the mobile audio-visual communications centre it has long had the potential to become .
5 ‘ My aunt lives in Hastings , so my bloody overprotective parents thought it would be OK for me to come to Sussex .
6 It has been observed , for example , that British firms find it easier to persuade workers to accept redundancies but harder to obtain flexibility of working practices and job demarcations than do their French counterparts .
7 Two speechless simian Servitors attended him , one to ingest his waste and cleanse him , the other to nourish him with its own enriched blood and shift his cart from window to window — from which he gazed out , praying for an exploration vessel of his Chapter to pass this way .
8 For what may be ‘ bossiness ’ in the home can turn out to be a valuable contribution of efficiency and ‘ drive ’ in a different setting , working with a team of strangers , where the usual social restraints keep it under reasonable control .
9 The assumption that they are not neglected , and that cultural values ensure they will be cared for adequately , has been challenged by Norman .
10 That sense of disintegration which he always feared was now all around him ; earlier in 1938 , he had told Martin Browne that public events made him feel that he was working against time and that , in any case , the race might be lost .
11 Police at first used rubber truncheons to prevent them , but then stood back .
12 Officially it is for ‘ consultations ’ but the usual reliable sources say it follows a series of death threats by white bigots who were displeased when he said the South African-controlled Koevoet paramilitary forces were ‘ on a turkey shoot ’ against Swapo guerrillas .
13 Pete is a bony Londoner with a sallow but healthy skin and clean floppy fair hair , Ellie an attractive girl in her early twenties , her light greenish hazel almond-shaped eyes showing her to be of mixed blood .
14 Lizzie Webb 's Eight Minute Workouts tells you to scissor your legs — but that puts too much strain on the lower back and could tear ligaments , says the programme .
15 So the old tricyclic antidepressants make you know most people get a lot of side effects .
16 Although the result was generally welcomed as a great triumph for the men , some ETS members and some political groups thought they should have held out for even more concessions .
17 We do n't export some tertiary services do we ?
18 They need a few outstanding individuals to lead them and to rally them when they flee .
19 Apparently some Labour politicians think we 're an electoral liability .
20 We have I have got I we have produced for you today , some detailed plans showing you what the capacities are of the routes , what the present flows are and what the effects of the new settlement will be upon those capacities .
21 Some British colleagues thought it was overweight and underpowered , so after trying a right-hand drive 1.8GL version recently , I looked up with some trepidation what I had said about the car on my voting form six months ago .
22 And What types of British definitive stamps do you collect these days ?
23 What this may have suggested to Tolkien is that if the Old English and Old Norse sources agreed that ‘ Earendel ’ was a star , the Old English and medieval German ones agreed he was a messenger of hope to the heathens .
24 There were some old aunts left her that and that 's like a museum inside it .
25 With the lack of repeated high crosses to test him last saturday , though , it remains to be seen ; but the signs are good .
26 The achievements of their monitored sexual athletes led them to prescribe standards of sexual behaviour which were quite unrealistic in terms of ordinary people living normal lives .
27 I learned , too , that English lesbian feminists expected you to become one of them … you either assimilated or you disintegrated .
28 Advantage of this can be taken by widely-held public companies to enable them temporarily to freeze the list of those who are entitled to receive an annual dividend or to vote at an annual general meeting .
29 With this in mind and a few sound nuts to bear it out , move left for Manzoku , onto a blanker patch — one of the more testing sections of the climb — then up and into true ‘ jug-hauling ’ territory and the obvious line .
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