Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Since it follows that the overall gain under such feedback conditions is Notice that , in this broad introductory description of the feedback technique , the symbol s has been deliberately introduced to signify any signal current or voltage .
32 For a chance to win one of these exciting prizes , simply list who you think will be in the 12-man European team for the 1991 Ryder Cup at Kiawah Island .
33 The book is non-mathematical and assumes little technical knowledge on the part of the reader .
34 A few minutes later they were starting up Heymouth Brae , the road that connected Heymouth with the summit and world beyond .
35 Opposition Members will obviously be disappointed at the Minister 's reply which is characterised by his usual laid-back approach to the matter .
36 It can be a gentle paddle on sluggish water or a 25 yd shoot down a narrow rocky gut under the trees .
37 This interest stems in part from Germany 's outstanding economic record in the boom .
38 This was stated in total emphatic form by the anonymous French student who retorted when General de Gaulle returned in haste from Romania and said : ‘ La réforme , oui .
39 It is certainly true that Rowell had very little success with the South West divisional side , but then — with the possible exception of becoming Welsh coach — there are few more thankless tasks than trying to create a cohesive representative side amid the passionate parochialism that provides West Country rugby with its strengths and its limitations .
40 Many suffered hardship waiting for payments but were also made ineligible for help from the Independent Living Fund and other benefits because of the ‘ complete administrative disarray at the Benefits Agency ’ .
41 Van Basten scored twice in last season 's 6-1 aggregate semi-final victory over the Spaniards .
42 Exports would have to continue to increase , with further foreign aid and investment to provide foreign exchange , while measures would be needed to cope with India 's debt ( the fourth largest total debt in the developing world ) and budget deficit .
43 Under twenty years of military rule , its output has grown to make Brazil the world 's largest agricultural exporter after the United States .
44 It was spanned by a narrow hump-backed bridge of the picturesque variety that is guaranteed to damage any car that uses it .
45 Be that as it may , there now exists a political consensus in favour of the complete monetary integration of the Community .
46 Rather similar arguments apply to Bernardo Tanucci , the greatest reforming minister in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies .
47 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
48 The recovery is usually interpreted as the re-establishment of stable differential rotation between the neutron star crust and part of its superfluid interior .
49 The rich oral tradition of the pesme made a great impression on writers and folklorists during the Romantic revival of the nineteenth century .
50 The translations by Alberto Fortis , an Italian traveller and scholar , of fragments of epic poems which he had collected in Dalmatia and published in 1771 , brought the rich oral tradition to the notice of men like Herder and the western European scholars of the Romantic movement .
51 However , Swallow was not optimistic regarding the prospects for the latter , arguing that administrative confusion on the border with the Czech Republic now made it easier to ship kit to Slovakia from a third country .
52 In the Panopticon , the flow of information was dependent on a special architectural configuration : it arose from a specific spatial ordering of the relationship between watcher and watched .
53 Now how how was the army itself organized , did you was it in the in the normal normal sense of the army
54 The project aims to rectify this omission for England over the period 1650-1914 by the construction of national rent index , and then to investigate two further problems : a regional breakdown of the index to see of there was a space-related differentiated land market ; and secondly to focus attention on three periods of outstanding agricultural depression within the long run to see whether there was a time-related differentiation .
55 This feature is , of course , simple guide for less experienced pilots to finding the right half-mill chart for the journey .
56 Of the 121 members who voted for the opposition amendment the very great majority — indeed , a majority of the total Labour Party in the House were Labour members .
57 Sussex geology has imposed an extensive regional pattern on the agricultural crops .
58 As possibly the sole surviving remnant of the Dragon empire it surely deserves some backing from the industry .
59 Gloucester 's position as sole surviving brother of the king , coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown , would have made it impossible to pass him over , even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir .
60 Gloucester 's position as sole surviving brother of the king , coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown , would have made it impossible to pass him over , even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir .
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