Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] is if " in BNC.

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1 Another possible reason is if the same file had previously been written on a 360K drive ; it 's wider track confuses the low capacity drive 's read heads when reading the higher capacity drive 's over-printed trace .
2 So the trade lock for this extra transcription is if you do more than , or if you do a lot , erm do the same introduction , but your essay , the body of your essay , erm , can be very short , the body of your essay , erm , about one paragraph only , you 're just going to need to do something quite short , and your conclusion on the insights is what , is what is going to be important .
3 But to succeed in this particular role is if anything more difficult in Britain than it was in Pakistan .
4 Yeah I genuinely look all I can say about this new album is if I 'd have continued recording for the last twenty odd years and had a sustained recording career like Cliff continued singing , this would have been the album that I would 've ended up doing anyway .
5 Okay that basic architecture is if you want the vanilla sort of architecture for the entrical stuff .
6 my o my own personal view is if we just pay the fifteen and it 's sort of off in there straight away and then spend but not to sort of say , well you can spend it and update it ca n't you ?
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