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1 Officially it is for ‘ consultations ’ but the usual reliable sources say it follows a series of death threats by white bigots who were displeased when he said the South African-controlled Koevoet paramilitary forces were ‘ on a turkey shoot ’ against Swapo guerrillas .
2 The Iranian Foreign Ministry said it summoned representatives from Western capitals , where the incidents took place , yesterday to deliver a ‘ strongly-worded protest ’ .
3 In one the department 's top civil servant said it would be ‘ unreasonable ’ for Mr Lamont to pay all of the £23,000 cost of evicting a sex therapist from his London home .
4 Most important is that , within hours of the election results being announced , the British Medical Association said it was looking forward to ‘ constructive talks ’ with the Health Secretary .
5 We know that the British Medical Association say it 's under-funded to the tune of six billion pounds but we 'll say what we said before we took control of this Council , we 'll open the books and we 'll direct resources to priorities .
6 Although the move does not apply to major meets , such as national championships , the British Athletic Federation said it will give top women a higher calibre of competition .
7 The Olympic weightlifter Andrew Saxton who was sent home from Barcelona after a positive drugs test may be allowed to compete after all.The British Olympic Association says it is a possibility .
8 The Government 's Central Statistical Office says it could be July before a new system of European trade statistics is up and running and next year before the whole picture emerges .
9 A national NUJ official says it 's a major achievement , but insists that the fight will still go on to get the sacked journalists their jobs back.Nick Clark reports .
10 The Belgian state-owned Belgacom says it hopes to pick a partner by July 15 to help it develop its activities in the digital cordless phone market , Reuter reports from Brussels : if the partnership works well , the firm involved might be offered equity participation in a Belgacom mobile telephones company .
11 The council tax Bill exists because the poll tax was the disaster that so many hon. Members said it would be .
12 ‘ Boots and Sainsburys selling heroin and cocaine in neat little packets with helpful little leaflets saying it may be lethal to exceed the stated dose ? ’
13 The theologians ' determination to rest their faith on something more secure than history has made them more than willing , in many circumstances , to accept that the historical evidence of Jesus ' life is as patchy as the most sceptical secular historian says it is .
14 But the ruling Conservative group says it already has the best interests of the workforce at heart .
15 But one local council says it will still prosecute traders who break the law .
16 One local MP says it 's outrageous that it costs two thousand pounds a week to keep the boy at the centre .
17 One senior officer said it would be extremely difficult to smuggle one in , security is so tight here on visits .
18 His interim military cabinet said it held an emergency meeting ‘ to examine initial information about the ugly crime ’ .
19 His interim military cabinet said it held an emergency meeting ‘ to examine initial information about the ugly crime ’ .
20 We are going ahead with our projects and have no comment on what any other company says it does or does not own . ’
21 That final point says it all .
22 Officers of the Muslim-led Bosnian government said it had urged President Alija Izetbegovic to return home immediately from Geneva , where he met international mediators , to underline the gravity of the crisis in the enclave .
23 Only seven positions will be lost in the UK , and the 235-strong Bristol-based operation says it 'll break out its year-end figures from overall Dun & Bradstreet Software numbers for the first time on December 11 .
24 New Musical Express said it was , ‘ Cheap and nasty ; a beautiful noise . ’
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