Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [v-ing] [that] they " in BNC.

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1 The scouts do exciting and hazardous things , but they 're sometimes shy about admitting that they 're in the scouts .
2 He was correct in so far as our forebears were piteously shattered but quite wrong in thinking that they could be subjugated .
3 The pre-emption thesis is wrong in claiming that they too are pre-empted .
4 Some had lost faith in their marriage , some in hope for promotion , some on discovering that they would never have a child .
5 The Cleveland Inquiry Report endorses this by stating that they should be informed and consulted whether the investigations are medical , police or social .
6 The potentially harmful beings may be described by the adjective yabud ( bad , harmful , ugly ) , but whenever thus designated , the speaker will invariably qualify this by saying that they are not ‘ truly bad ’ because they only cause harm if a person breaks a rule , or inadvertently falls into a trap .
7 Some are concentrating so much on balancing that they forget all about the key words .
8 In the past , many students were so petrified about stalling that they could not be persuaded to hold off properly for the landing .
9 If all the cases that attract attention , because they are argued in important appellate courts before public scrutiny , are occasions on which judges are scrupulous in denying that they are serving the goal of protected expectations through their decisions , this can hardly do much to reinforce the public 's faith in that ideal .
10 Bakunin was perhaps not entirely wrong in supposing that in such a time the spirit of at least potential insurrection was most likely to smoulder among the marginal and sub-proletariat , though he was quite mistaken in believing that they would be the base of revolutionary movements .
11 When rights of conquest or hereditary rights had placed two or more territories under a medieval ruler , he was quite accustomed to finding that they were ruled under different constitutions and he would not think of trying to impose a uniform system of government on them ; Queen Elizabeth had rights and duties in England that were rather different from the rights and duties she had in the Channel Islands , which were all that was left of William the Conqueror 's Norman territories , and it was perfectly natural for each new English acquisition overseas to be won on terms that differed from what had happened previously .
12 The hon. Gentleman is incorrect in saying that they are shared by all political parties in Germany , although they are shared by some of them , especially the socialist parties .
13 Perhaps this debate wo n't be as lively and er as controversial as the one that er we arranged to have on the question of insider dealing but it is an important matter because auditing as I said , is not just as assistance to companies but it is a reassurance to the general public and the public at the moment are in need of grave reassurance that the insur that the er the financial services industry as well as industry generally , is being properly looked after and for these reasons er although we support er the orders before er the house tonight , we have no hesitation at all in ensuring that they are debated properly than not something that should simply go through on the nod .
14 But the results are so late in arriving that they will have only a limited influence on national policies for coronary prevention .
15 This is because classically they have a well-defined location at a particular instant whose specification is part of what is involved in saying that they are in the same state of motion .
16 But but prior to doing that they met with the branch that had put the resolution in .
17 All services should address relatives ' needs seriously by giving information , ensuring they feel involved and above all by ensuring that they are given the support they need to carry on caring .
18 The first question which has been considered on this appeal is whether the justices were right in thinking that they had power in an appropriate case to order that there should be no contact between the mother and child under section 34(2) of the Act of 1989 .
19 The smallness of the demonstration , compared with the Dungannon march , showed the modest scale of the organisers , influence , although McCann is probably right in saying that they made a mistake in starting it in hostile territory .
20 At one time , I think I 'm right in saying that they had two hundred people .
21 Two symbols are therefore used , S indicating a specialist technical contribution and E identifying the person responsible for seeing that they do get together .
22 With all these records being generated in diverse electronic environments , who is responsible for ensuring that they are looked after adequately ?
23 Sir Walter Raleigh [ q.v. ] was not alone in believing that they were , in his words , ‘ pensioners to Customer Smith ’ .
24 It is true that judgment could be given in ipsam rem , but this is far from allowing that they had a ‘ real ’ effect .
25 Groups loyal to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar , leader of the fundamentalist Hezb-i-Islami , were quoted by Le Monde of Sept. 15/16 as saying that they welcomed " the end of [ foreign ] interference " .
26 The most interesting aspect of the affair , however , is the very swift growth of the cult of St Edward , something which his assassins may have foreseen , if Archbishop Wulfstan is correct in saying that they burnt the corpse , presumably in an attempt to destroy remains which might become relics .
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