Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [v-ing] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I work amongst the elderly and I do know that they are very shy about telling people just how poor they are .
2 ‘ Most said that they felt guilty about taking time off , even when they were ill . ’
3 What thanks is this for keeping vigil outside in the street nearly all night ?
4 Men are equally clear about putting careers ahead of children and friends .
5 Because it has the element of ‘ non-disturbance ’ about it , some scientists feel easier about using e-mail instead of waiting for the corridor/coffee break meeting .
6 It was to be hoped that capitalist progress would eventually bring the labourers nearer to this maximum , and regrettable ( though not inconvenient for keeping wages down ) that so many were still so far below it .
7 ‘ They 're dreadfully fond of beheading people here : the great wonder is that there 's anybody left alive ’
8 Sally had agonised over what to wear — she was so afraid of letting Paula down — but eventually she had settled on a neat shirt-waister blouse and pencil skirt and Paula had loaned her a poplin duster coat in duck-egg blue with a thick soft grey Lucca Lamb collar .
9 It has been my experience that Boards , with depressing regularity , have received submissions which on a first reading look structurally ingenious but on close analysis are found to be padded out with individual syllabuses that are academically lightweight and have little or no functional relation to the structure they are supposed to illuminate … something is disastrously wrong with planning procedures when staff only partially understand or accept the rationale of a course and a visiting party finds a farrago of assorted bits and pieces behind a facade occasionally breathtaking in its baroque audacity .
10 This is particularly clear in childrearing practices where boys and girls are treated identically , and are expected to develop similar person characteristics .
11 I 'm beginning to wonder whether a certain amount of agony is n't inseparable from having relationships anyway ; that 's what relationships are , in fact , and that 's the pleasure of them .
12 If you are interested in drawing packages then you need to try IntelliDraw .
13 A year ago at Unix Expo time we said IBM Corp was interested in moving AIX on to PC platforms other than its own to dispel its proprietary air ( UX No 359 ) : true to the promise , Blue turned up at this year 's Expo with AIX PS/2 Version 1.3 supporting non-Micro Channel boxes and running on Dell Computer Corp , AST Research Inc and Compaq Computer Corp .
14 If you 've a story you think other people would be interested in hearing aboutwhy not phone our newsline .
15 They had actually chosen themselves to come in on the study and so they were obviously schools which were particularly interested in involving parents as much as they could , and erm they would all certainly have done as , probably as much as most schools in the country are doing as , as far as involving parents are concerned , both in having parent helpers in the classrooms , and in having organisations for parents and social events for parents of the , of the fundraising type .
16 There are a few places available to Q.T. 's who are interested in taking part please contact immediately but send accommodation fee — £32 to the Office .
17 Labour does not seem interested in getting inflation down .
18 He was more interested in pinpointing areas where he could find the most new species .
19 All of the parties are interested in making DME more compliant with the Object Management Group 's CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture specification .
20 But there it is , and outside and foreign firms will put money in , especially if subsidized by temporary government measures , for as you know , public investment in private industry is judged to be ideologically correct , while public investment for public and community concerns is judged ideologically to be harmful , but the firms are interested in making money out of the region if I may so put it , not in sustaining world promotion and healthy living in the region .
21 ‘ I 'm interested in making money too , ’ Amaranth said .
22 If you are interested in playing netball then this might be your answer .
23 The possibility of permission being granted for such a hunt was thought to be instrumental in persuading Japan not to break ranks with the IWC .
24 It was the water authority of Bradford that was largely instrumental in keeping Washburndale out of the National Parks .
25 It has been instrumental in rescuing cats out of trees who might otherwise have starved or drowned , ’ a local resident tells me .
26 The treatment has been to strengthen the time-cues by increasing the regularity of an individual 's life-style ( and all the time-cues this entails ) , or by mimicking this by taking melatonin regularly .
27 It is VITALLY IMPORTANT that ALL fees are paid promptly , particularly P.A.F. and Insurance as the Sports Council Grant Panel will expect us to prove that we are measuring up to their requirements in the Autumn and we can only do this by showing monies actually received and in the Bank .
28 If you think that you 're more likely to keep the price of your house high by keeping blacks out , then you 'd be likely to go for that .
29 It might seem appropriate to extend theft in this way in order to make it cover as many ways as possible of getting property dishonestly .
30 THE flamboyant diamond dealer , Darius Guppy , best friend of the Princess of Wales 's brother , Earl Spencer , is facing a long prison term after being found guilty of swindling insurers out of £1.8 million .
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