Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [not/n't] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Many passengers will be grateful for not having to stop in the vicinity longer than necessary and residents will be grateful for others not wanting to .
2 Please believe ME , I 'm ill ME sufferers are sick of doctors not taking them seriously and have made a cinema ad to win support for their case .
3 Rare vagrant to Red Sea and E Atlantic seas and coasts from Western Approaches to Canaries , a larger version of Bridled Tern , with darker upperparts , no white collar , white of forehead not extending back beyond eye , and outer tail feathers not wholly white at tip .
4 In addition , all parameters remained abnormal in patients not adhering to their gluten free diet , or in whom villous atrophy had not resolved .
5 Some parents become confused when staining is due to children not wiping themselves properly and so they may need to teach their children more precisely how to wipe their bottom .
6 In LFAs , grants would be available for farmers not qualifying for farm investment aids .
7 A survey conducted among college students gave these reasons — first for men not going to bed with their companions :
8 And the client software provides access to mainframe batch , Multi Access Computing and TP sessions on other VME machines so making the system available to machines not running the service .
9 But , but I had more to do with her than Evelyn but er from what little bits I 've gleaned , you know , er I 'm a bit into everything like , and I seem to think , I 've got a f strange feeling that she 's something to do with education and they 're worried about children not speaking properly eventu
10 Will you tell Paul he 's got ta finish his homework tonight , if he ca n't do any tomorrow he ca n't do any on Sunday Not cutting off their hair ?
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