Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] over a " in BNC.

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1 The Piaroa daily express to one another their right to private choice and their right to be free from domination over a wide range of matters , such as residence , work , self development , and even marriage .
2 The same situation was prevalent in England over a decade ago , and while the new breed of English walls has blossomed to state of the art types such as Newcastle 's Berghaus Wall , Scotland 's walls remain poor relatives .
3 There was a long silence , such as falls over a saloon bar in a Western at moments of confrontation .
4 Escobar , accused of responsibility for the murder of hundreds of people over a 10-year period , including a Justice Minister , an Attorney General , at least one presidential candidate [ see p. 36844 ] and 107 passengers aboard a domestic flight [ see p. 37041 ] , was not expected to stand trial for at least a year .
5 Fatigue fractures , by their very nature , are more prevalent in structures that have been subject to stress over a long period of time .
6 During his reign he added vast territories to the Frankish kingdom that he had inherited ; Lombardy ( the traditional enemy of both Franks and papacy ) , parts of Spain , all of Saxony over a prolonged period of campaigning , and Slavonic regions of the Drave and Elbe .
7 Equally , when Bishop Æthelstan of Hereford was involved in litigation over an estate in Cnut 's time , it was ordered ( S 1460 ) that the boundaries be retraced , and this the bishop did together with the man who had sold him the land and the witnesses .
8 However , the supervision was of an extremely cursory nature : there were only thirty non-Koreans involved in observation over an area of approximately 40,000 square miles ( 100,000 sq .
9 Alfred ( Finney ) and Michael ( Stephen Moore ) have n't spoken since the former took the latter to court over a play called Family Matters which exposed the skeletons in the Manx cupboard .
10 Compensation Fund should be responsible for claims over a fidelity bond ‘ excess ’ of around 25,000 ( for sole principals ) plus 100,000 per partner in firms , up to a limit of 100,000 , with a cap on the fund up to 1 million , and a no claims bonus ;
11 An eye catching layout , full of interest over a wide range of subjects , well written and hardly a hint of political bias .
12 An eye catching layout , full of interest over a wide range of subjects , well written and hardly a hint of political bias .
13 This may apply to a particular period or it may be concerned with changes over a long period of time .
14 His financial controller Roger Richardson came up with a system of false accounting , which enabled them to borrow millions of pounds over a three year period and keep the company going .
15 The authority upheld a complaint in 1987 against Unigate over a similiar claim made for a calcium-enriched milk called Calcia .
16 Since females in these species become available to males over a period of weeks or months , the possibility exists for some males to mate with several females during the course of a breeding season .
17 $580 million in compensation over a 14-year period .
18 Barbel fishing in the early days , and I am talking to more than a hundred years ago , was very popular amongst the gentry , who used to employ a man to bait a swim with thousands of lobworms over a period of days , sometimes weeks .
19 Sales representative organized the promotion and personally demonstrated the production of chapattis to thousands of visitors over a five-day period .
20 His leader 's menace and awe was able to transmit itself thousands of miles over a telephone line , such was his presence .
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