Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Exclusion criteria were : ( 1 ) Patients whose overall medical condition rendered them as unduly high risk for elective surgery — for example , severe chronic obstructive airways disease ; ( 2 ) patients considered unsuitable for surgery because of technical reasons such as ( a ) gross obesity , ( b ) fixed hiatus hernia , ( c ) previous major upper gastrointestinal surgery ; ( 3 ) patients who had received previous therapy for bleeding oesophageal varices ; ( 4 ) patients already taking beta blockers ; ( 5 ) patients on waiting list for liver transplantation ; ( 6 ) HBsAg positive subjects .
2 Any sound grain which was harvested was completely unusable for flour because of the fishy smell which accompanied the smut , ( hence it was often referred to as stinking smut ) .
3 A decision to cut or pass the dividend will be especially painful for Costain because of the blow it will be for the 91 per cent of shareholders who took up last year 's rights issue and because Costain will be only the second major contractor , after John Laing , to cut the pay-out .
4 Well we might consider frenzied and suspect — ‘ Oh sovereign virtuous , precious of all trees ’ , though we must be careful of course because in the formal style of Paradise Lost such opening addresses are common .
5 This , however , is particularly grave with sections because of civil liberties implications .
6 Pentland Crown accounts for only two per cent of the commercial market , but is still popular with gardeners because of its hardiness and resistance to disease .
7 These effects are less marked with fentanyl because of its shorter serum half-life .
8 Could I please quote from the Bargaining Report Document dated twenty seventh of April nineteen ninety three which says , and I quote , works councils , elected bodies representing the whole workforce are becoming an increasing interest to the U K trade unionists and this par this in part because of the growing awareness of industrial relation structures in the rest of the E C.
9 The question is interesting in part because of an erroneous answer that is sometimes given to it .
10 Amphibians are particularly prone to dehydration because of their permeable skins .
11 If we were to present separate maps for unemployment by sex , the map for females would show southern Italy in a worse light , but female unemployment data are particularly prone to non-comparability because of wider differences between countries in the definitions used .
12 The pagan Anglo-Saxon cemeteries are much easier to date because of the larger number of artefacts found in them as grave-goods .
13 The rest of the day was n't very clear to Benny because of the heavy cloud of disappointment that seemed to hang over the whole proceedings .
14 The Wigan contingent is a record by a considerable margin , with David Myers , recently transfer-listed at £125,000 because of the lack of first-team opportunities , the only English player from their regular 18-man squad missing out .
15 The accused , the finder , was not guilty of theft because at the moment of appropriation the coins were not property belonging to another .
16 Back in the bad old days of the ‘ tripartite system ’ and the 11-plus , when it was more acceptable to know your place , and upward mobility was not such an unquestionably good idea , life was easier and less personal for teachers because to a much greater extent their values were stably enshrined in the organization and structures of the schools for which they worked .
17 That 's quite an interesting one , if you consider as students how do you learn erm in general you probably do n't learn that much in lectures because for example we know from experiments that we all have a limited attention span .
18 The path was narrow and winding , barely visible in places because of the mud and wild grasses , but the two children had no difficulty in following it .
19 The same reasoning could equally well apply to weasels and badgers , who live in burrows , but the Hopi follow a quite different line of thought ; they hold that the meat of these animals is favourable to child-rearing because of their habit of working their way through the ground and ‘ getting out ’ at some other place when they are chased into a hole .
20 It is the least mechanised of our farming scenery , the least efficient and the most resistant to change because of the multiple ownership and the often rented holdings .
21 A more complex rule , linking monetary policy to last period 's unemployment rate or balance of payments deficit or whatever , may be less easy to understand and more subject to error because of , for example , inaccuracies in the balance of payments figures .
22 This was the pure gospel of Joseph Chamberlain , especially real to Law because of his Canadian connections , but the real significance of the decision was felt by few in Britain , even on the Unionist side .
23 We feel it is impossible at present because of the Commonwealth . ’
24 A short walk , but worthy of inclusion because of its view of the Swallow Falls in the Afon Llugwy .
25 These factors are worthy of emphasis because in practice they are still dealt with very badly in many organisations and yet it takes little trouble or expertise to make an enormous difference .
26 The areas covered include some which have attracted little or no interest in the past , but are considered worthy of investigation because of their geological setting .
27 Indeed people may become more diverse with age because of differing life experiences .
28 Our panel this month included Paul Boutinot of Paul Boutinot Wines the north 's leading shipper , who trotted out some wines form his own stable of Champagne look-alikes ; Bill Towers who must be unique in Britain because as a sheep farmer in the Lake District he runs a very successful wine merchants out of one of the barns on his farm .
29 Russell is the president of this group and says that it is unique within Morton because of its proportion of sales in Europe — some $200m out of $440m .
30 The estate , which was once labelled the worst in Europe because of it 's rundown condition , is being renovated in a £6 million partnership with the council and private developers .
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