Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The traffic in the town was heavy but once they were clear of Malaga it started to thin out .
2 In a note issued in June , Panmure Gordon predicted profits of £39m at the September year-end and £43m in 1993 on sales it foresees nearing £500m .
3 Estimated high at $500–600,000 it sold at the desk for $480,000 ( £320,000 ) , still a very strong price today for this artist .
4 Tourism is now the largest single item in world trade and in cities such as London it towers over all other features of the urban economy .
5 With two-dimensional representations such as maps it remains important to avoid too much homogeneity and provide substructure in the form of main roads and key buildings or other features such as rivers .
6 DISNEY says it has a minor dispute with a few of the hundreds of contractors it has dealt with on the project .
7 For hundreds of years it has all been exactly the same .
8 Like much of Penwith it has a powerful ethos which refuses to be submerged by the modern world ; the countryside is littered with artefacts spanning the centuries , from megalithic chamber tombs to nineteenth-century mine workings , and only the moron can escape a sense of continuity with an obligation to the past .
9 I had expected it to be best for trenching and shaping in the vertical position , but on all but the softest of timbers it failed to supply a substantial cut .
10 He said that IBM will be looking to develop a number of corporate alliances similar to arrangements it has made in the past , which include joint manufacturing arrangements , equity investments and cross-licensing .
11 ‘ Since INR1 has been made off-limits to baby-boomers it has become a lot less attractive , ’ says Tim Schoonmaker , head of radio at EMAP , a magazine publisher once expected to bid .
12 honest to god it makes your blood boil
13 Simply ideal for families it has direct access on to the beach and offers a wide range of holiday activities for children .
14 Since the first of September till the twenty-sixth of September , we 've had thirteen bikes go all over Banbury , and since the twenty-sixth of September it seems to have increased and we 've had eight of various sorts go , er ranging from a hundred to a hundred and ninety pounds .
15 If , for each country , is constant over time it follows that will be a constant , although of course for different countries it will be a different constant .
16 Well Paul 's got one of these at home it does
17 What do you mean not at all of course it does .
18 All of Bicester it seemed were there , but Kersal , clearly in athletic mood were n't going to make it easy .
19 Because when I was thinking about trying to talking to you today , I thought although we 've worked quite a lot with people along this group , you might be sitting here and thinking well you do n't seem to be doing any specific work for and with old people erm , well I think your quite independent and can work out your right that , but one of the things this front line review erm it erm , it 's considering Council front line services under various headings , one of which is Retired Services that the Council provide as a group , now the leader of the Council wants to erm , get public views on how we look at these services , so , and that 's , that 's individuals and groups and one of the things that you might like to think about and I 'm that we as a local government unit who are servicing this review can help you with , is to consider how you might want to fee in for that review , erm and , and consider this , that the re-services for retired people , that the Council provides that you use and basically whether you use that , or service , we want to hear that , the Council would need to know that cos were gon na be making decisions about whether or not they should continue in this front line review erm , and erm , you know , or what things you would , what , what are your questions on about those services , what other things you would like to see provided , things like that and I thing this group could quite easily make a collective representation , a collective submission to that process then you could do it as individual 's as well , so that , that exercise it , it should be over by the eleventh of October it starts on the sixth of September .
20 Er I 've always er , I do n't think I e I b th whenever I 've been unhappy with work it 's been work that I 've allowed myself to do for ulterior motives , for money or whatever I m The things I 've done er even th the things that have been unsuccessful th if I 've wanted to do them , I 've been able to live with that .
21 No the other side , all on top it comes sticking up
22 During the period 80 to SOMaBP it drifted rapidly at a rate of between 100 and 180 mm a- 1 .
23 Keeping that in mind it gives you somewhere else to go musically , and those themes tend to be a little more prominent from an adult point of view .
24 At this point a further contradiction in Sartre 's whole enterprise begins to open up : for someone so deeply distrustful of universals it seems curious that he has involved himself so emphatically with the notions of totality , History , and the dialectic .
25 Well November , I meant the fourth of November it seems to be for ever anyway I spoke to the Head of the Department when they came back and he said I must admit we 've done nothing from the point of view of putting things on paper but a lot of thinking has gone into it I must really sit down now and commit things to paper .
26 Iraq seems in no hurry to repay the billions of dollars it owes the Gulf Arabs for money received during the war ; and the Gulf Arabs seem in no hurry to ask .
27 Firstly in a country full of guns it does n't do to stand there asking to become target practice .
28 Years before , a wooden handrail , polished by generations of hands , had lined the high pavement , but the town council had decided that it served no useful purpose and detracted from the charm of the stone-walled cottages perched high on the bank above , and when the handrail had become shaky with age it had been dismantled , much to the annoyance of the Thrush Green residents .
29 3 At waterfall it climbs steep bank on right and descends to cross footbridge .
30 No , you 've when you do a delete erm if you do con ex signal , if you have that on signal it deletes the whole signal , airlines and all .
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