Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] rather [conj] as " in BNC.

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1 even fewer would deny that the CMHTs were precipitated into a virtual policy vacuum and were in effect used as one means of developing a broader framework rather than as a means of implementing an already established strategy .
2 Some of them have posited underlying mechanisms of language change to account for this ; some have been more interested in relating it to social realities , treating language as a sort of cultural key rather than as a self-contained system with its own particular dynamic ; others have seen it as their main task to suggest linguistic reforms that will modify or eliminate offensive usages .
3 It is said that the original Shorthorn ( as a British type rather than as a general term for short horned cattle ) was being bred by the Dukes of Northumberland in the sixteenth century and was probably descended from a mixture of red Anglo-Saxon cattle with red and white Dutch ‘ Hollanders ’ and ‘ Zeelands ’ that are typified in the Paul Potter painting , The Young Bull .
4 It was about this time that Wordsworth met Coleridge ( 1772–1834 ) , whom we are considering in this chapter as an important English philosopher rather than as a poet .
5 The medical consequences of high alcohol consumption are well known but even doctors are reluctant to use the term " alcoholism " because it may be seen as a personal insult rather than as a justifiable clinical diagnosis .
6 The existence of the necessity or obligation is not asserted but denied , questioned , conceded ( in concessive clauses ) , or represented as a mere conception rather than as a positive fact ( " subjunctive " ) .
7 It was acknowledged , however , not least by the participants , that the agreement was primarily regarded as a means of defusing ethnic tensions and the possibility of civil war rather than as a concrete proposal to accommodate the political aspirations of Moslems , Serbs and Croats .
8 The Squirrel was one of the first light turbine helicopters designed primarily for civil operation rather than as a modification of a design intended for military use .
9 The other Great Reforms of the 1860s , affecting the judicial system , the press , and the universities , made little impact on the peasantry , and although they gained a minority voice on the new local government bodies ( the zemstva ) set up in 1864 , they viewed them as an additional burden rather than as a vehicle for their own interests .
10 US President Bush pledged a fresh US$645 million in humanitarian aid ( subject to approval by Congress ) , while Baker announced that 54 emergency airlifts of food and medicines from the USA would begin on Feb. 10 , although this was seen as a symbolic gesture rather than as a viable solution to the problem of food shortages in the CIS .
11 The whole argument is relevant for the theme of this book because , in the tradition of Durkheim , as against the materialist tradition of Marx , I myself view the varieties of human society as alternative systems of moral order rather than as a sequence of specialized adaptations to different economic circumstances .
12 Braidwood , however , found that Geikie was so well educated and so far in advance of the other students that he began to use him more as an assistant teacher rather than as a pupil .
13 example A thesis arguing that Robert Louis Stevenson should be understood as an early example of twentieth-century Modernism rather than as a late example of nineteenth-century Realism .
14 By accepting that there is a market and career structure for the Administrative Assistant as well as the Shorthand Secretary , it is possible to treat Shorthand as an optional subject rather than as a major core element .
15 Just as ‘ Prostitution is on the increase ’ is quite distinct in meaning from ‘ I believe that prostitution is on the increase ’ , at least when this latter is taken as a psychological statement rather than as a modally qualified form of ‘ Prostitution is on the increase ’ , so ‘ Prostitution is wrong ’ is quite different in meaning from ‘ I disapprove of prostitution at least when this is taken as a psychological statement .
16 The SACHR felt it should be used as an incentive to good practice rather than as a weapon after an employer had been found guilty of a criminal offence ( discrimination ) .
17 Since the main function of bone collecting by porcupines seems to keep their incisors in good condition rather than as food , it does not seem likely that small mammal bone could serve any useful purpose from the porcupine 's point of view .
18 He had returned to Poland on Jan. 4 to answer the charge , and on Jan. 7 it was reported that a lesser charge was being substituted because prosecutors had ruled that Tyminski had attacked Mazowiecki as a rival candidate rather than as the holder of state office .
19 Van Der Meulen has been characterised as a good explorer rather than as a great one .
20 It is normally unlined and made as one short curtain rather than as a pair .
21 What I am suggesting for an understanding of the workings of television generic fiction and its associated forms of subjectivity ( or , indeed , of narrative cinema and its subjectivity ) , is that it may be more fruitful if we approach it as an historical development of the complex , theoretical genre of novelistic discourse rather than as a collection of autonomous elementary , historical genres .
22 The research will examine the ways in which Balinese society and culture are being reconstituted and tradition reworked as Balinese come increasingly to be defined by external agents as part of an ignorant Indonesian proletariat rather than as a viable and successful peasant society .
23 In this way , they operated in a patron-client manner rather than as a united class opposing another and winning reforms through class struggle ( Galjart 1964 ) .
24 Indeed , Silicon Graphics is understood to have added an instruction to the Mips architecture for TFP , allowing multiplication and addition functions to be performed in a single batch rather than as separate operations , speeding floating point throughput .
25 Adult female suffrage gave legal recognition to an utterly new status for women who could enter the public world as individuals in their own right rather than as members of families .
26 Broadly speaking , their best strategies to cope with a Labour win would be to ensure they make the most of allowances created through the independent taxation of husbands and wives , and — where possible — to take income on a self-employed basis rather than as employees .
27 In the two schools in which I spent much of my working life ( one as head , one as assistant teacher responsible for physical education ) the broad aims were almost identical and may be summed up as follows : the creation of a living community of children in which the Arts , music , painting and poetry flourished ; where social awareness came before selfish intolerance ; where the written and spoken word was valued as a means to a more distant educational end rather than as an end in itself ; where understanding of number was regarded as more important than the ability to manipulate figures .
28 That would undo decades of effort to have chemical dependency recognised as a treatable disorder rather than as a moral lapse deserving of punishment .
29 Tonight for the first time she saw him as an attractive young man rather than as a boss .
30 Comtek ‘ 92 can , it seems , still justifiably be billed as Russia 's main trade event : this year the show attracted over 70 hard currency-paying exhibitors , most of which were Western companies ; that so many companies are willing to pay $350 per square metre is testimony to the fact that the Russian market retains the interest of a significant portion of Western companies ; show organiser Crocus International says it invited 200,000 ‘ specialists ’ to the show , but in reality , Comtek has become a popular event in all senses of the word with most companies using the show as an opportunity for general exposure to the Russian market rather than as a means of generating many hard sales leads .
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