Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] which for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Use then , as you roughly plan your book , some locality which for you evokes a strong mood .
2 She was slightly wary of him in this city which for him was replete with memories .
3 It 's the irrelevance of this texture which for me is one of the two main problems with the book .
4 These were by no means the only features of the 1979 meeting which for me , as chairman of the meeting in committee , was perhaps the culmination of my association with ICAO .
5 Next , the process of expansion would undermine all those institutions which expressed the highly personalised private enterprise which for him was the essence of capitalism ( such as the change in ownership from individual proprietorship to equity participation in large corporations ) , as well as destroy the protecting strata — the aristocracy , farmers and small business — on which it depended .
6 As it was then understood : here again , Cole 's problem is to reconcile a course seen by the Pioneers themselves as treasonable , with the fact that it foreshadowed the policy to be followed by successful Consumers ' Co-operation , that policy which for its purposes made co-operative production incidental and subordinate to it and which most certainly did nothing to promote the development of an industrial co-operative sector properly so-called .
7 We used to do it almost as a social thing , a conventional Spanish gesture which for us had a special meaning — or at least it did for me , because I looked upon it as a seal on our friendship .
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