Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] at [art] old " in BNC.

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1 Alan , from Hatfield , Herts , watched Fallon , 35 , being jailed for attempted murder at the Old Bailey .
2 ‘ What we want , then , Inspector , ’ he said bracingly , ‘ is a new avenue or fresh look at an old one . ’
3 ‘ We 'd go to the public gallery at the Old Bailey and listen to the trials .
4 ‘ My father tied with another man at an Old Newton furrow-drawing match : both had a quarter-inch deviation — it must have been about sixty years ago .
5 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
6 Despite herself Ages smiled with real warmth at the old crocodile-Magill was never a moose — shedding genuine crocodile tears .
7 In those twenty minutes , Luke had told him that he had found part-time employment at the Old Rectory , Anna had told him that his mother had found employment at a Windsor gift shop , and his mother-in-law , Laura , had telephoned to say she had landed three lines in a television commercial for an Irish stout , dressed as a pearly queen .
8 Xorandor is a tale set in the near future of two twelve-year-old fraternal twins called Jip and Zab who find a talking stone at an old carn in their native Cornwall .
9 Identical twin boys , aged 14 , were found guilty of robbery and attempted robbery at the Old Bailey yesterday after holding up two women with air pistols in Wembley .
10 The arrangement on Deep Level at the Old Engine Shaft is suggested in the reconstruction Fig 14 .
11 The ceiling of the Great Hall at the old Euston Station was deliberately modelled on that of the church of St Peter extra muros in Rome .
12 The interior banister at the Old Rectory is of granite and is certainly bold and massive , with ceiling-high columns half enclosing the staircase .
13 A man who strangled his so-called nagging wife has been given an eighteen month suspended sentence at the Old Bailey .
14 In fact , the teenager 's potential was also spotted by Colin Graham , who was assistant producer for the first performances during a short season at the old Scala Theatre , before taking over as producer for a three-month countrywide tour , finishing at London 's prestigious Royal Court Theatre .
15 Each performance at the Old fire Station will begin with a speech from Wilde 's grandson …
16 He pointed across the stable yard at an old , disused door propped against a wall .
17 I mean , if your policy renewal date was December , you 're off in November , you only get one payment at the old rate , and the next one 's at the newer rate .
18 His working life started as a protege of the acclaimed art deco designer , Clarice Cliff , with whom he trained as an engraver in his first job at the old AJ Wilkinson factory .
19 But now Hughie , a man who built his first craft at the old Whitehall shipyard in 1950 , believes everything is ebbing away from Whitby .
20 Police and fire chiefs are investigating the cause of blaze at a former school at the old Linton School in Linton , near Grassington .
21 ‘ Laurence Taylor died at Stubbylee of Asiatic Cholera , having arrived from Liverpool only on Saturday last ; he was interred the same day at the old Baptist Chapel . ’
22 Then in 1952 Coppi was once more in the yellow jersey at the old Parc des Princes track in Paris .
23 For instance , BBC staff who sell their own house at the old location and buy another property at the new location receive a grant of £1094 to cover the cost of miscellaneous expenses .
24 The fiction I had read predicted gaudy roles for me — as private tutor at the old stone mansion where peacocks roost in the yew hedges and chalky bones are discovered in the sealed-up priest 's hole ; as gullible ingénu at an eccentric private establishment on the Welsh borders stuffed with robust drunkards and covert lechers .
25 Prior to the sado-masochism case at the Old Bailey , the law on what type of physical harm a person might consent to was , at the very least , uncertain .
26 ‘ Oh , a new look at an old problem , ’ said Henry Tyler at once .
27 In 1730 , at the Somerset Assizes , the deadly fever similarly affected judges , barristers ' clerks and prisoners until several hundred were dead , and in 1750 there was a virulent outbreak at the Old Bailey .
28 The same applies in the labour market where workers made unemployed do not immediately reduce their asking wage and take up a new job — instead , they spend some ( possibly quite considerable ) time searching for a new job at the old wage .
29 He was in the Lilian Baylis 1937 season at the Old Vic and returned to the Westminster for Pygmalion , Richard III , and more O'Neill , including a memorable portrayal of the old Ephraim Cabot in Desire Under The Elms in 1940 .
30 In October 1987 it featured as an exhibit of an altogether different type , in a private criminal prosecution at the Old Bailey .
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