Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 MARRIAGE — It refers both to the social institution that sets up and sanctions the union of persons of opposite sex ( see family ) and to the state of being married .
2 Then is love some luxury that sprang up in peaceful times , like quilt-making ?
3 another scenario that comes up quite often is that , somebody comes in and say my kids have n't had any food all over the weekend because you did n't send out a giro
4 This moment is the proper conclusion that sums up what has now been accomplished .
5 I says , well , I says , I was reading a book and an old wifey that lived up at and she was about ninety six , and this chap that was interviewing her , well he would n't be interviewing her but he said she sat by the fire and she hostied and clochered until she nearly spewed .
6 In three other areas , as much political as organizational , advances were made towards the management of the press , the coordination of the heterogeneous collection that made up the party , and the fostering of modern attitudes in the local parties .
7 Er er what the honourable gentleman , my honourable friend reads out is certainly my view er we will erm of course engage in any discussions on this subject that come up i in the council of ministers but it would take quite a lot of convincing I think to myself and my colleagues , that any other form of election would be an improvement on first past the post , erm and er the ar , no I wo n't give way cos I have about four minutes left and er I do want to make a couple of other points .
8 This format uses an electronic camera that stores up to 50 still images on a tiny floppy disk .
9 It is approached along a forty-mile-long fiord and the approach instructions are that the pilot should turn left at the entrance by the sunken freighter that sticks up in the fiord , or else run out of airspace and crash into the sheer mountains that rise to seven thousand feet at the end of it .
10 No that bloke that comes up there .
11 She seems to be staying with that girl that lives up in erm .
12 ‘ What is true , ’ writes mason investigator Stephen Knight , ‘ is that the philosophic , religious and ritualistic concoction that makes up the speculative element in freemasonry is drawn from many sources — some of them , like the Isis-Osiris myth , dating back to the dawn of history .
13 ‘ Good thinking , Princess , ’ he said , with an easy charm that made up for any lack of etiquette .
14 By 1930 Addis Ababa was in a vast wood that spread up the slopes of the Entoto hills .
15 As head of Radio 2 's music department for the last four years , Ms Line has been responsible for the blend of easy listening that makes up 80 per cent of its 24-hours-a-day output , along with presenters such as Derek Jameson and Jimmy Young .
16 I felt the spiritual strength that had deserted me flowing back as a warm glow that welled up inside , filling my being .
17 From her seat she could see the winding road that led up to the elegant gateway of Casa Madrid , and she could even see the sprinklers sending blessed water swirling over the melon and pineapple fields .
18 This jerk kept the pram moving over the few inches between the foot of the gentle slope and the beginning of the steep grassy bank that ended up at the road .
19 Nor could jumpy Orrell cope with the efficiency of the steady , unflurried Pilgrim , the full-back , who kicked Wasps ' penalty goals besides putting in the delicate chip that set up the try for Oti .
20 The following year that doubles up , and so on and so on .
21 The car drew up at one of the big houses on the prosperous shore road , facing the grassy slope that led up to the promenade .
22 It 's that sort of humbling remark that sums up what Dreamflight is all about .
23 Cold wind that stirs up bitter memories Peter Hetherington reports on ambivalent feelings created by a memorial service in the town scarred by last year 's crash .
24 ‘ But the really bad apples in the seismic barrel , and a very sinister lot those are , too , are the so-called thermal hotspots , plumes or upswellings of molten lava that reach up to or through the earth 's crust , giving rise to volcanoes or earthquakes or both .
25 ‘ That 's a German one , ’ he said pointing to a large drawing that took up nearly all the page .
26 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
27 There are two types of corn , the hard variety — which usually develops on the tips or top of the toes — and the soft corn that builds up between the toes .
28 And there is a coddling quality , a smooth butteriness that conjures up visions of shortbread biscuits sprinkled with ground cinnamon .
29 Seaford , Hastings , Winchelsea and Rye suffered from the old Sussex enemy , the longshore drift that silted up their harbours relentlessly .
30 Yeah , is it just a little door that leads up to it ?
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