Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Drife should not be surprised that many women respond to a strange man with a conditioned response that arises from a long learning experience in a male dominated society .
2 It was not just economic weakness that led to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe .
3 As far as most nineteenth-century thinkers were concerned , it was obvious that the driving force of human evolution must have been a steady expansion of the brain , which merely continued the progressive thread that ran through the whole evolution of life .
4 ‘ I could n't bear it , that tenderness that came across so like loving .
5 He now sat slumped in his chair , fate having painted a faintly mocking smile on to his clammy skin that spoke of joy at having outwitted his executioner .
6 Now do welcome them , do make them feel at home , especially those of you who are new to the place you will know and remember what it 's like when you first come into a strange building that feels like home .
7 This is an alliance of neo-fascists and communists known by most Russians simply as ‘ the reds and browns ’ ( browns after ‘ brown plague ’ , the term for the xenophobic hysteria that swept through Russia in the late 19th century ) .
8 Examples include odour and taste discrimination , with important effects on the evolution of language and cuisine ; preference from infancy onward for certain basic geometric designs over others ; phoneme formation ; rules of transformational grammar ; the development of particular , species-wide facial expressions to denote the emotions of fear , loathing , anger , surprise , and happiness ; various other forms of nonverbal communication ; the pattern of mother-infant bonding ; the method of infant holding by women ; fear of strangers ( a usually strong response that persists from about six to eighteen months ) ; phobias ; and others ( see the review by Lumsden & Wilson , 1981 ) .
9 He slowed the car , turning it off the main road down a narrow lane that led to the river before bringing it to a halt and cutting the engine .
10 He is slightly overweight , with a high , balding forehead , and dry hair that floats in the wind .
11 Money-Go-Round : One European parliament that speaks for the elderly
12 MBEST images have an inherent contrast that discriminates against tissues with a short spin spin relaxation time .
13 He set about drawing up a rescue plan amid a political storm that resulted in the resignation of two cabinet ministers .
14 The validity of critical theory lies not in the adoption of a method , vindicated by epistemology , but in the enlightenment that is successful in generating a political practice that moves towards emancipation , the liberation of human beings from domination .
15 Still , when it comes to the treatment of the frontiers of computing , the areas of advanced research that come under the general heading of ‘ artificial intelligence ’ ( AI ) , there is still a great deal sadly lacking .
16 Similarly , when the left-wing News-on-Sunday faltered in 1987 , it was not a political institution that came to its , albeit temporary , rescue but a Northern businessman , Owen Oyston .
17 He was interrupted by a polite cough that came from the doorway , and they turned to see Ling , who had arrived in time to hear Silas 's last words .
18 He then became chief intelligence officer to the Egyptian expeditionary force that advanced into Palestine .
19 Earl Douglas Haig , a Lt. General , was put in charge of the British Expeditionary Force that went to France , and he was promoted to Field Marshall .
20 What was that flame that burned inside her and sustained her ?
21 Suddenly , an enormously large and dark shape blocked out what little light that remained at depth .
22 He continued to stand there , watching as she made her way across the conservatory , then through the high arched doorway that led into the sitting-room .
23 It is clear , though , what killed him : the current of political violence that runs from separatist terrorism to the small-time brutality of local hatreds .
24 On the other hand , GH5 is a eukaryotic protein that binds as a monomer , is not sequence-specific ( although it may have sequence preferences ) , and the structure of the DNA on binding to GH5 is unknown .
25 Yet when he seeks refuge in history , other men 's deeds and words , Gerontion finds nothing with which he can connect , only vacancy , vanity , and inane deception : the emptiness of the uninspiring , fragment-bearing wind that blows through much of Eliot 's poetry .
26 The eventual combination of colour , texture and tone seemed quite pleasing and I was particularly taken by the subtle effect that arose from having a different background colour beneath the corners and sides of the border .
27 Rain continued to sweep into the cottage , driven by the strong wind that screamed around the building .
28 What these men gained in return was the prestige and professional recognition that came from practising at one of the teaching hospitals .
29 so I says it 's going , now as far as the , er , what they call it that fella that come to did that job
30 After all the banging and crashing , and the stifling oppression that goes with it , The Sleeping Beauty was a comfort and delight : it could not have been better timed … .
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