Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] i [vb base] was " in BNC.

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1 Now in , in , in the book , and this is a diagram in the book that the person who did this paper yesterday in yesterday 's class put on the board , erm Freud does n't use the term super ego , that term I think was first used by Freud a year or two later in his book The Ego which I think is nineteen twenty three .
2 One of the things I was asked to write about this week I think was a radio , to , to write about er what I felt about radios , you know , er , erm , so anything could be thrown at you , and obviously I have my areas that I particularly interested in and I think sometimes I get a bit complacement and I 'm writing about a , I find particularly interested in and a bit lazy , so its quite good to be stretched .
3 Erm I wanted to make sure I 'd got the right turning I think was the answer but there was no reason to say I had problems finding you or I was held up I 'm sorry for that or , or anything , there was no , there was no actual acknowledgement or reason for being late .
4 And I , I recall seeing the lowest contribution I think was fifty pence , was n't it ?
5 she 's not going to this year , she 's erm , in Ruxley there , there was a little pot of seed that had been sowed and they were ready for pricking out , and er one little pot I think was ninety eight P , but there must of been fifty plants in there easily
6 I mention the white van I think was following me — it could have been his , checking on my performance .
7 The last decent performance I remember was vs Stuttgart at Leeds .
8 The first home I remember was a basement flat at number 61 Granville Road , Kilburn .
9 But equally , the first thing I remember was my number in the infant school , when I was number fifty five , and er there were fifty eight of us in the class , and one lady kept order .
10 The first thing I remember was a slight buzzing in my ears .
11 ‘ The first time I remember was at home , ’ said Marian .
12 My biggest fantasy I think was to be a sort of assistant , a nurse , holding Boy 's hand while O worked on him .
13 The other time I remember was when William the chromium platers in Street ye got bombed , with a high explosive bomb , but there was , there was no one hurt that I remember , and then the Halleys the tent people had an incendiary bombs and got burnt out , at the same night that they dropped some incendiary bombs on the bus depot in Road , they , they were a lot of work for the fire brigade , but comparatively speaking with , with Birmingham I think Walsall got off very lightly as regards the bombing , as there was no heavy industry around here .
14 The last trouble I remember was when they played Birmingham City in the Cup last season .
15 The next thing I remember was seeing the face of a policeman above his yellow emergency jacket , who was reassuring me : I was all right .
16 The next thing I remember was lying on the ground surrounded by players and officials . ’
17 ‘ The next thing I remember was being taken off to hospital .
18 The next thing I remember was getting up and falling down again because my feet were numb , ’ he said .
19 The next thing I remember was being jerked to a stop outside the house and Oliver saying in a rather odd voice , ‘ A propos de bottes , how was the lune de miel ? ’
20 And er , er , the next thing I remember was er , er being picked up by somebody off this pile of bricks and the doctor told me that it was a gas , some sort of gas has come out of it which had overpowered me like , you know .
21 next thing I remember was being undressed and in bed with Debbie standing there with a boiled egg on a tray , saying mummy were so sorry you 'll never do Christmas again , you 've done it for us for forty years , we shall do it for you now .
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